Saturday, August 14, 2010

此刻97 (继续盗用)


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

此刻96 (继续盗用)

I was listening to A-Mei collection of songs. Then I came across 曾佩慈. I noticed that she sang a song that A-Mei sang too. I wanted to see how good she can sing because I quite like the theme song she sang for 终极三国 - 泪了.
So, I just waited with not very high hope because A-Mei is my favourite female singer and this song 没有烟抽的日子 by 张雨生 is really a very nice song itself and a difficult song to express.
So she started to sing. Very deep voice she has. And she sang abit out of pitch.
However, towards the end, tears rolled down. And right after she finished singing, I broke down and cried, not because of any unpleasant memories but solely her touching and magnetic voice. It was superb. Although her skill was not as good as A-Mei or Lala but the way she expressed, I just like it very much. She really sang with her heart and soul, like she was in the song. Very very nice indeed.
Nowadays, good singers are very rare. And this, 曾佩慈 is definitely 1 unforgettable 1.
Fall for 曾佩慈.
Love, weini.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

此刻 96 (继续盗用)

weini decided to study hard and finish all her homework in time!!!! Please support!!!! LOL. I can ma?? I also wondering and doubting myself. But cannot also must be can lo. I 24/7 stick to the screen 1 lo. Butt cannot move 1. If not, then I stick to my bed until tuition time also pass liao. Like that really can die lo. SPM how many more days, still like that. weini ar weini, WAKE UP LO!!!!! Lately hor, alot people ask me, eh, weini, what's wrong with u? Actually, I also don't know what's wrong with me. Just blur and confused everyday. I risk making mistakeSS everyday. And finally, this reknown Ironman--weini, fell sick. No voice can be produced!!! Haih. Movie with tragic ending. Hello. Are you crying? I know you not crying la. Just trying to make myself feel abit happier ok. Sometimes right, I find myself hate my school and the organisations I am in. I don't know why. But I just want to hide myself sometimes. I don't want people to see me, to complaint me, and to kick me aside like I am nobody anymore. I just want my life back to normal. I want to live smoothly, without this and that, that and this problems popping up here and there, there and here everyday. I had have enough of this. It is time to let go of the power I once possessed, the responsibility I once carried. As a matter of fact, I am quite disappointed with both myself and the institution I am in. However, I hope a rainbow is always ahead of me. Although it is a frown, but it is the nicest frown!!!
Love, weini

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

此刻 94 ( 继续盗用 )

I was quite busy lately. And this is going to continue for another 2 weeks. Then I have my July test. F***. Don't even have enough time to check out Jay Chou's news. But thanks to friends who constantly update me with Jay's news and videos. It was really nice of them. I found that I can't catch up with my studies. I am really lazy and not very interested in studying anymore. This is a real big problem. I stick to 2 counselling teachers everyday but I still have plenty of problems. Fail. I just can't set my mind properly to face all the challenges in life one after another. I am rather confused now. The worse thing is, in the midst of all this confusion, I am still packed with complicated incomplete work. Like the most recent, school based Kem Bersepadu. i have members who are rather irresponsible, finding all kinds of excuses to not to join the camp. And to all St John members' sorrow, we are deprived of leaders. We, the committee members have something more important that cleshes with this activity. However, we also have some committee who has nothing to encroach on but just simply refused to go. This is very incommited of them. And we also have a number of members who, initially, are supposed to join us in this camp, drawing themselves out because they too have something more important to go for, which is the Choral Speaking competition. One thing that I really regret is, out of 6 teachers advisor, 3 are in Management and only 3 are left behind to stay with our members throughout the camp. But 1 is unwilling to stay with them and one more has got her personal family problem. So, we are only left with 1 teacher advisor, which is really a headache for me because I fear that the members will not be very clear, what to do and what not to. However, I am glad that my only teacher advisor who is left over together with the member tried her best to get everything on track. I am also happy to see that my members are one-heart, trying to make this camp a success!! Still, I am needing some advise and encouragement from my dear soulmate, Diao. Diao is my Petroleum that are quite precious. Haha. 1 thing that still bother me much is that I have missed 2 camps that I thought they were going to be fun. One is INTI Youth Empowerment and another 1 is Penang International Jambori. I really regretted not going and I avoid myself from feeling even sadder by not looking at those beautiful photos of the camps. I am just a big fat liar who is still an armature lying to myself. FAIL!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

此刻 93 (继续盗用)


Thursday, June 17, 2010

此刻 92 (继续盗用)

Actually I am supposed to go for INTI Youth Empowerment but too many problems just pop up suddenly. Many friends suddenly decided not to go so ended up I am quite lonely and too, decided not to go. But later I am acknowledged that a few changed their mind and wanted to go. So I need to face this problem. It was hard for me to decide to go and later not to go then later they give me this heart-attack news. I need to reconsider this. But I have already decided, with much courage, to totally give up on this thing. Now I was confused. To go or not to go. It's a damn fan question. Seriously. If I were to go, I haven't pack anything. Funny. And in one and half hour time the bus is leaving. Oh no. I hope more are going so my mum would just let me go. Actually I have my medical appointment tomorrow and double tuitions. See. Confusion~~

Saturday, June 12, 2010

此刻 91 (继续盗用)

有些人快乐,有些人失落。这个世界的一切永远都在轮回旋转。没有人永远快乐,更没有人永远失落。但是,快乐的当儿,又有人会以为这整个世界就是属于他快乐的影子,然而,失落的当儿,又有人会以为这个世界对他不公平。人总是在不知觉中过着自己的日子,照着自己的镜子。你我或许常常会想,为什么他这样对我,为什么就是令我失落。那我又认为,你我是否常常忘了问问自己,忘了照照镜子,甚至忘了注意自己影子的长短。这一种失忆症往往让你我活在一个狭窄不平的世界,一个玩世不恭,愤愤不平,自怨自艾的世界。 你我从来看不见自己的影子,所以也从来不知道影子的长短。忘了追逐自己的影子,让它离你我太远。又或许,你我从来不曾想过有一天自己的影子竟然会消失得无影无踪,所以不曾望望这将跟随你一辈子的影子。你我无心的大意确实让大家都痛苦不堪。 每个人都追求着不同的事物,但你我都有一个属于自己的梦。我常常深怕梦醒的时候会梦碎,再也不能重圆,不知你是否也有同感。因此,我常常都希望永远不要从梦中惊醒,才能享受这未必能实现的梦。但是,梦醒时分,我往往会认为若梦不碎,我将会永远在这梦的圈子兜兜转转,永远驻足不前。所以我有时会希望我的梦不再只是一场美梦。但是,微弱的人总是在这最关紧要的当儿被自己打败,永远活在梦境里边。 蓦然回首,始才惊觉属于你我那时美好的梦境已不知所踪,剩下的只有两须斑白,两袖清风。这时,后悔已莫及,又开始看着年轻一辈继续犯下同样的错,你我却奈何不了。 人可以被消灭,但不可以被击败。我的愚见不知能否引起你共鸣?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

此刻 90 (继续盗用)






我信任,并不代表你可以剥夺。 没有放弃信任,因为仍然在乎。 你可以隐瞒,但请不要欺骗。 当你一再欺骗,我已不想再选择相信。 我不想每一次都成为相信你谎言的人。 我已经觉得很累,很愚蠢。 你可不可以留一点情面,让我看起来不至于太无知? 我并不是冷血动物,不是你说什么,我都可以若无其事。 就算我若无其事,那我伪装得好辛苦。 我不想在你面前戴上面具,来让你好过一点。 因为这样我很难过。 我不是为你而活,我有我自己的路要继续走。 你为什么总是说话不顾及你身边的人。 难道我不曾存在? 难道我在你生命中真的只是过客而已? 一个你根本看不见的过客。 我已经受够你这一切。 我不想再故意作一些什么,就是为了让你好过一点。 我真得很厌烦。 我不知道要怎麽样跟你说话。 我好像做什么都错。 你好像一点也不在乎。 你认为我很奇怪,对吧。 那我想,我的生活以后不能够在容纳你了。 我不能为你在驻足,是时候放弃你了。 我会尽力在你的生命中消失。 我希望我可以不这样做。 但是,我想不到更好的方法了。 对不起。 请原谅我一直以来令你厌烦。

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

此刻 89 (继续盗用)

Dear Lim Jia Wen: I was enjoying Andrew Yep's travel photographs and I saw this. Haha. It's Show Luo!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

此刻 88 (继续盗用)

Diao. You know what. My mum really dislikes 小S la. Haha. She kept saying she very noisy. Lol. Anyway, she got abit ai ai lo. Jay damn 大男人 la. Even in that show. And when 小S check his underwear damn stupid la. Jay kept asking her to stop looking down. Jay's fashion sense still very bad. Gold slack with blue hi-top sneakers. WTH. Nice slack and nice sneakers IF he didn't put them together. When he helped 小S change the chord damn mengada lo. If he was not Jay o, I will hate him. Ahhaha. But he is Jay ma. So ok lo. 房租名 very cute la inside that show. And Darren very cham lo. Sit 冷板凳。 Jeff has his own cool style so ok la. He quite Diao also ma. That flash back part right, Jay looked more handsome lo. I still prefer Jay 5 years ago. More hip hop kind. Now more 文艺 type. And his 助理 follows him too long already. Become very Diao also. Scold him somemore. Haha. I want to be his 助理 la. Haha. Actually Jay quite 多事 yi xia lo. Go ask all his friends teman him. == And I wonder why 耕宏 didn't join. I quite like 耕宏 de lo. Haha. And his 助理 very rich yi xia lo. Always have to pay for him. I think his 助理 looked like the fat girl who acted as Ghost in 吓到笑 Part 2 le. Haha. See you soon.

Monday, June 7, 2010

此刻 87 (继续盗用)

I am finally back from PULAPOL. Damn tired. Not very fun this year. They are quite strict this year. Cannot do this and that. Go everywhere also have to be in a single file. Damn fan. But you know la Pahang how right. We will normally be the most free state to do whatever we like. Anyway, this year Pahang not bad le. Get 4 prizes. Nursing Cadet got 2nd in Nursing. Nursing Adult got 2nd in Foot Drill n Uniform Inspection. Ambulance Cadet got 3rd in Foot Drill and their no5 Liew Li Hong got CHAMPION in written test le. Haha. Congratulations!!! Anyway, I think Ambulance Adult did their very best liao. Everybody knew it. So, I think there is nothing to be regretted lo. And there is always winners and losers in a competition. So we cannot choose not to be 1 of them. This year de Ice Breaking quite ok lo. Actually is because Mr Look Yee Fee cannot turn up due to some emergencies. Haha. Then Ms Lim took over. She did some really traditional and boring thing. To form a group and do a presentation. So that she didn't really have to do much but just seeing us do other presentations. I like Penang and don't-know-what state best. Their 相声 really cool daoooo. Damn good lo. Esp when they keep saying "讨厌!" like TAO IAN with their very hiao gesture and "Woah!!!! 这个照片很像你喔,很 cute 喔!!!" Walao, Teng and I laughed like hell. And 1 more,"你没有问,我就没有讲;你没有讲,我就没有问;你什么都没有问,我什么都没有讲;你什么都没有讲,我就什么都没有问。" And one part where they speed those numbers. Really cool lo. We can't even catch what they talking about. I just know that it was between SATU DUA TIGA EMPAT and SATU DUA TIGA LIMA. They damn talented wey. Super nice la. Lol. I really enjoy myself during this part of the ice breaking. Anyway hor, I didn't get to know anybody during this ice breaking lo. Because no time. Keep thinking of and watching presentation only. The dorm quite dirty this yr. Only those urus setia rooms clean only. WTF. Then out of 12 bathrooms only 2 can use. Thats why i go invade N9 punya la. Their 1 is cleaner that make me feel like I am bathing. Sad to say, this year no leng zai 1. Extinct liao. Only Pahang got leng nui. Lol. And a Kelantan guy suddenly asked me when i was sitting watching competition," Are u from Pahang?" and i very sienly told him,"yes~~" I was wearing my uniform with badge written PAHANG very BIG and Cadet Leader badge. After 2 minutes, he asked me, "Pahang, mana?" This time I super sien dy. I just didn't know how to answer so i shut up and look at him with what-are-you-talking-about face. This time he repeated his question. "Which district in Pahang?" I was like finally-i-get-what-u-mean and tell him Kuantan la. Then later after 2 more minutes he asked me, "Are you a cadet leader?" ~~~ this time I really cannot tahan already lo. I think actually my badge quite big and clear. But maybe he was blind. I just smile skimmingly and turned back in front ignoring him. Then I shifted my chair far far away from this alien from MARS. Ya. I am from Venus. when we were heading back to kuantan, we stopped by McDonald for dinner. The people were ecstatic. Andy and I were feeling weird. Every year also we stopped by Genting Sempah for McDonald de la. Very happy meh? Then don't know why someone candid my super cool sleeping act but i was too sleepy to fight back. == My bad. then we reached Kuantan. I terus sleep when i reach home until 2.30pm the next day. haha. paiseh.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

此刻 86 (继续盗用)

I start to like Tae Yang. Especially when he is playing piano. Very...... Haih. Don't know how to say. But I just like it. Ha. I was watching Big Bang HYD/BBF Parody. Damn funny la. Haha. Pity Dae Sung need to play as a girl. And that Big Bang Coffee Prince Parody. G-Dragon damn girl la. Cannot tahan. But TOP looks very charming in that parody. His eyes really...haih. So cute. Esp Dae Sung. Tae Yang is always the yeng 1. You know what. G-Dragon kisses TOP in that parody and his reaction damn stupid la. And then TOP touches his boobs and knows that he is a girl. Haha. I really cannot tahan TOP and G-Dragon like that la. Arggh. Damn gay and jealous. Yerr. G-Dragon always act girl and stick to my TOP 1. Where can like that de. But anyway. Damn fun la watching them. Haha. I like Big Bang la. Haha. My soulmate, Cat also loves them. Haha. Start to miss Ah Boon. When is he going to come back from America. Always ffk me. I am waiting for Tai Tai to date me. Ha. For that PJ shave ice thing. Tomorrow don't need to go school. Haha. Good Luck. Mate.
weini is crazy of BigBang

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

此刻 85 (继续盗用)

Aye. Exam finished liao!! Have no more papers tomorrow but still going to school. Have school analisis maklumat bulan Mei to complete before holiday. Do this kind of stupid things every months. Finally set free from exam. The first thing I did was sleep. Haha. I am very interested in Liu Xuan lately. He is one cool music consultant. So damn different from his father. His wife also effing cool. She was one of his party model. But sad that I can't find his 放任心中的一百次流浪 . After watching Survivor's Law suddenly like Kenneth 马国明 alot. Actually sometimes he looks quite cute 1 lo, from certain angle. I think he looks most handsome in D.I.E 古灵侦探. But I don't like all his girlfriends in that show. Haha. He is Hugo right in that show. I don't like Sonija but I lagi don't like that Ms Hong Kong. She grabs Hugo from Sonija. He always wears that colour lens and acts cool in that show. Put his hands in his pocket and say: "我是重案组高级督察成家隽,我们怀疑你与一宗谋杀案有关,希望你和我们会警局协助调查." Haha. Cool. He very old liao. But still looks young in a way. weini. enjoy your holiday and don't sleep too much.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

此刻 84 (继续盗用)

Finally I have finished watching Survival's Law. It is time to switch back to Add Math since exam is 6 more hours from now. But I am quite excited. Because 3 more days and I am leaving for PULAPOL. Although PULAPOL again, at least get to play and have fun there. Then Annual Inspection and Mass CPR. Maybe I am not going for Mass CPR because Penang Jambori cleshes with it. In July, having Olympia Chemistry thing. Then hopefully I am chosen again to receive Creative Award this year. It will be held in KL this year. Not much special. I hope to be in Ipoh. But at least I can do alot of shopping in KL. And it is all free of charge. Shopping off course need to pay on my own la. Then I hope to represent school again to fight for Pelajar Terbaik Ko-ko. Then there is something in August but I just couldn't remember what is it. Then later Trial and SPM. Maybe I will go get my computer skill certs after that. Haha. I love life because I involve myself in life. It is nice to be travelling everywhere free of charge representing certain organisation or myself. It is nice to carry that responsibility as well as happiness. Just remember to always be nice to everyone. And I would live happily ever after like Cinderella. Hahahaha.
weini is ecstatic.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

此刻 83 (继续盗用)

"So Others May Live" Just finished watching The Guardian by Andrew Davis. It is what I call a true movie. My house flooded esp at the last part. When the rope broke. Senior Chief let go himself of Jake Fischer. "I won't let go!" "I know." Then Senior Chief started unhooking himself of Jake's hook. Jake held him tight. His arm, his hand, his fingers and his finger... Until he was seen no more deep down into the water, hit by squal. I was thinking why wouldn't the helicopter just fly lower so that Senior Chief would not die falling from height. But we all know that if the pilot did, Jake's with Senior Chief - in the sea. Either the rope breaks or the tides hit the helicopter. Actually I didn't want to cry, really. But I just couldn't help. It was a really nice show. Esp for me.
I quite like this kind of patriotic show or hero show maybe. I like H-65 "Dolphin" helicopter and Black Hawk instead of Boeing 747. Warship and 420 Icebreaker instead of Titanic. Air Force Airman and Ashton Kutcher instead of LeeHom.
"I will protect them. I will defend them. I will save them. I am their Shield. For them I am Semper Paratus. I live the Coast Guard Core Values. I am a Guardian."
I think I am patriotic you know. Real. I really love Malaysia. A place where I was born and grow up. A land where I can find my HOME. Although it is not always as PERFECT.
I really think that one day I will stand up and do something for my country. So Others May Live.
*and I am wondering if Diao watched this show too i think I knew the answer

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

此刻 82 (继续盗用)

Did some fitness today. Only squating with butt only. Knee not exceed the toes. And...Deng Deng... WEINI MANAGE TO DO IT. Even Mandy cannot do. Can't believe man. Chelsea off course can la. Nama also Chelsea ma. Walao. You sure think why we so damn fei. And no exam meh? No la. Because we only got 1 paper today. Somemore 1 hour after recess. Very sien then start crazying around. This reminded me of Squash fitness training. Last time I used to play squash under academy. Very short while only la. Then my Coach Matthew would torture us on weekends. We would go to Pahang Gymnasium near SUKPA there. And do fitness. First, run 3 rounds without stopping around those radius more than like 1km buildings. My stamina was quite bad but now worse. Then my coach would keep yelling at me. "weini, go, go, go! Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out......." As if I was delivering a child or something. "Who last run 3 more rounds!" WTH. I sure last 1 la like that. Purposely torture me! Then we would do other extreme fitness. Like sit up with legs 90 degrees up in the air. Use force from abdomen. Shoulders must be straight. Then push up with one hand on a football sometimes or one leg in the air. Then side way push up with 1 leg lay flat on the other. Use strength only from 1 hand. The other on your lap. Then I always find my hand SHAKING. Wth. Then I would peep my coach to see whether his hand was shaking too. Indeed, his hand was. Hahahaha. Abit only la. Then we would do that butt squating stuff. The highlight part was when we jumped on the trampolin. Not that outdoor trampolin which all those young, playful, innocent children or maybe even YOU, the old and crazy jump on. It was those really OLYMPIC STANDARD de. Those with very elastic spring. Once you jump, can terus soar up in the sky 1. Actually it was because that gymnasium memang for those professional gymrama and gymnastic "athletes" to do their training with RUSSIAN coach bending their body parts HERE and THERE. We just went there to tumpang only since my coach worked part time there. We would jump on that super-springy trampolin with ONE LEG and need to switch leg somemore. Wth. Then I sure fall 1. Damn malu wey. After one done, then we will jump back down into those hills of soft padded cushions. The trampolin was quite high de ma. We need to climb up 1. Those cushions were cool. You just can't and you don't even want to get up from that place. Then childish people would start "swimming" in it. WTF. I WAS NOT one of them. It was fun. 想当年 man.
Anyway, my coach isn't in Kuantan anymore and I am not playing anymore. Then I switch to JAY CHOU. I just realised how nice are his new songs. Initially I didn't think so. But after Diao kept persuading and twisting my mind, I find the rhythm in him. YAY!! And I think his VAMPIRE look is COOL~~~
Human life is full of 想当年. But this is what makes our life beautiful and meaningful.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

此刻 81 (继续盗用)

EXAM strive. Life's hard at this moment. And weini is SLEEPY. WTH. And HUNGRY. Worse. I protest. This education system. Producing endless SLAVES of exam. Turning the generation into a machine. A machine to answer prepared questions. And I am ONE OF THEM. Tragic of life.
Should I fall I force myself to stand on my feet again

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

此刻 80 ( 继续盗用 )

5A sang super nice. Nicer than the original singer. Not I say 1 ok. Alot other say. Haha. So proud of us. But honestly that day performance is the best among all those practices we had. But I sang too loud. Sorry. I didn't mean to. I know I was supposed to be the softer harmonise. Haha. Alot teachers took photo of us la. I nearly smiled until jaw fracture. Haha. Tomorrow start mid-yr exam. I am still hear blogging. WTF. Don't know why weini just don't want to study. Hahaha. I think it is funny man.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

此刻 79 (继续盗用)

As exhausted as ever. Drop dead in a pile of unsolved problems. Perhaps I need some rest. Right in that same pile of problems. So that I can also spare some time during sleep. To help solve some of the problems using telepathy.
But I fear that I might end up with... All the problems flooding over me. Scarying me off to heaven. To have a forty winks. So that I can take some tranquil time. All of my own.
But I figured out that it is better to... sleep with eye mask on the desk holding an ever warm and affable hazelnut mocha KAO. So that I could just pop up during midnight to continue that troublesome problems.
But I wish to hang on the hammock with no more worries ahead or regrets haunting behind me.
or just laze around innocently. Knowing no right or wrong.
If those are not possible then I fear that I might be distressed. Getting alot of illnesses. And welcoming more problems to my hectic life.
The corridor ahead me wind and bend to a place that I do not know of. And I am afraid That I might fall.
However, my life has not come to an end. But soon, regret will halt and the rainbow shall shine brightly as the most beautiful frown. Let's continue to sail until I find the sweetest venue to stop by. A place where I call HOME.
And on that lovely day I shall live in that eternal sunshine looking at the triumph ahead and enjoying the path that I travelled.
And I shall rest with a satisfying smile sitting on that cushioned-chair in front of my medium-sized desk with all my happiness on the desk.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

此刻 78 (继续盗用)

For Malaysia. Malaysian Hero. OUR hero.
Yes. OUR Lee Chong Wei lost to THEIR Lin Dan. I watched the match this morning in YouTube because I was sleeping yesterday night. Some Malaysians were sporting and lovely enough to give C.W.Lee moral support eventhough he lost. I would the same for him. However, some irresponsible MALAYsians were holding CHINA flag, waving their flag gayly right in front of Chong Wei and Lin Dan. I guess that they do not have identity crisis and they clearly know that they are Malaysians. If they want to moral support foreign country players, go ahead, but not waving other country flag PROUDLY in front of OUR players. That is so not fair to them. Although Chong Wei presentation was not as good as Lin Dan, can he just keeps it low and not do something stupid in front of civilised Malaysians. You may want to keep your on-court arrogance in a LOCKED IRON BOX.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

此刻 77 (继续盗用)

This is weini. weini is very FIERCE. I can't control myself. Haha. Everytime I see my juniors I just can't stop shouting at them:( Not a good sign. Come on weini, be diao and be cool!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

此刻 76 (继续盗用)

Today JAY looks so damn Diao in the paper. Oh. Diao Bao. But when you look at the height...Haih. DIAO!! You say diao or not diao. I just got some motivation from Diao. Feel damn energetic!!! Just feel like want to do all that I can. Ha. Diao le. Be diao, Be cool. Live diaoly, live coolly. Oh! Too cool. Anyway, I am having a conflict over what I want. I fell in love in an Armani frame. Maybe it doesn't look very nice when you first look at it but it was super nice on me, like it was specially made for me. I want it!!! But I need to pay for it right, so I am thinking. Gar. Begging my mum to sponsor me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

此刻 75 (继续盗用)

Today, my mood is extremely bad. Having alot of interruptions and stuffs. Homework can't seem to be finishing instead they are piling up. Too bad. I just broke 1 of my 8GB pendrive. Great. How violent. The weather is sizzling hot and suiciding stuffy. My mum was trying her best to cool us down. But before we are cooled, she needs to cool the wall down first. That's why she was splashing water onto the wall and I thought it was pretty cool because she tied her short hair up like SAMURAI-X with that limited length of hair. Having problem with both my pendrive and dekstop right now. Frust. This is so not cool. However, a word of diao-ness from DIAO is the best medicine and strong steroid for me. You know why steroid. Because it is addicting. Haha.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

此刻 74 (继续盗用)

DIao, go listen to JS-Our Heart. Harmonization nice like anything

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

此刻 73 (继续盗用)

Am I your secretary? Always have to remind you repeatedly where you put your stuffs. Funny. Lately, I have this problem. I just don't feel like doing anything. I just procrastinate everything that I'm supposed to do and the worse is that I haven't even started studying yet. And mid-year exam is like next week. And I am rushing to complete my Moral Folio now. Why now? Ya. Ask me why now. Great. I just feel like sleeping, eating, watching drama everyday and looking forward to go for National Competition although I don't really want to go back to PULAPOL. OMG!! I hope that police woman will not shout at me when I wear slipper instead of shoes. Because she actually doesn't do that when she sees guys. Hey!! That's is not fair!! And I did this very motivating slogan for myself. Here it goes. WEINI, DO NOT BE LAZY. BE DIAO, BECOOL. Ya. But I think I am still lazing around, doing nothing at all. Hahaha. And I am arranging a 5-day-intensive-practice for the new members next week since I haven't started anything with them yet. Funny isn't? And lately Diao is not motivating me much. Instead Diao needs a string pulled by me. Haha. Amazing. To pull Diao everywhere!! But Diao just not gonna let that happen. Do not have really pleasant days lately. Tired and yearn to have a rest but just can't.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

此刻 72 (继续盗用)


Sunday, May 2, 2010

此刻 71 (继续盗用)

Jay Chou 烟花易冷 is so damn nice!!!! Even the title is already so damn artistic! Thanks to Vincent Fang. And our beloved Jay Chou! Oh, DIAO!! Must listen!! Nevermind. I download already. I give you. Very nice le. This album is very worth to 预购 la. Memang 品质保证!! Lol. cannot stop playing Jay Chou songs. Jay Fever again. Ay. I like this feeling. (looks familiar? Ask Diao) JAY FEVER vs H1N1 FEVER!!! Jay Fever sure win la come on.
Be diao be cool. Jay Fever time is the time where you 屌 here 屌 there!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

此刻 70 (继续盗用)

Life has been miserable without Jay Chou. And now Jay Chou is back. His voice is with us all now!! Most precious and exclusive. Which will accompany me through this miserable month of May. And the rest of my life. Just realised that he actually becomes older these days. He has small chinese eyes. He used to like wearing a cap making his eyes looked even smaller. He used to sing dad-abuse-son songs and war songs. He always looked depressed but surprisingly, loves his mum and grandma. He does whatever he thinks is cool and people regard him as 屌. He does not really care about the aftermath of his actions. But he cares how people regard him. He counter-attacks whoever attack him in his very own way. He is always in his own world, doing things his own style. And most importantly, he composes really nice songs. Supporting his songs means that you appreciate true art pieces. Admiring his work means that you respect music, respect genuine art, respect the norm of life, respect the sound of nature, the sound of JAY CHOU!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

此刻 69 (继续盗用)

My Dear Diao: I just found out that Honda Accord Crosstour that we were talking about is a 4WD. Haha. you won. You know how I find out. I saw it on the website and that day I saw a brand new BMW Active Hybrid X6 4WD. Damn cool. Just like our Honda. From sideway, it looks a Sedan. From the front, it looks like 4WD. From the back, it looks like sedan+4WD. BRILLIANT!! Seriously, I hope Jay will buy 1. So that he will not waste his money to buy something that cannot move anymore. Like what his mum said, a piece of useless metal!! Ha! Just listen to 周杰伦的超人不会飞, 蛮 cute 一下 lo. The lyric damn diao!
周杰倫-超人不會飛 作曲:周杰倫 填詞:周杰倫 妈妈说 很多事别太计较 只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着 如果说 骂人要有点技巧 我会加点旋律 你会觉得 超屌 我的枪 不会装弹药 所以放心 不会有人倒 我拍青锋侠,不需要替身,因为自信是我绘画的颜料 我做很多事背后的意义并非你们想象 拍个电视纯为了友情与兄弟间的梦想 收视率在考验来看看我的伟大理想 因为我的人生我需再多一倍的假象 我不知道何时变成了所谓的那榜样 被狗仔拍的那边装着要道歉的模样 怎样 我唱的歌词要有点文化 因为随时会被当教材 CNN能不能等英文好一点再访 时代杂志封面能不能重拍 随时随地注意形象 要控制饮食不然就跟杜莎夫人蜡像的我不像 好莱钨的中国戏院地上有很多手印脚印 何时才能看见我的脚..oh~ 如果超人会飞.那就让我在空中停一停歇 再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些 拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会 不要问我哭过了没 因为超人不能流眼泪 唱歌要拿最佳男歌手 拍电影也不能只拿个最佳新人 你不参加颁奖典礼就是没礼貌 你去参加就是代表你很在乎 得奖时你感动落泪 人家就会觉得你夸张做作 你没表情别人就会说太嚣张 如果你天生这表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈 结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑 开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高 我到底是一个创作歌手还是好人好事代表 专辑一出就必须是冠军 拍了电影就必须要大卖 只能说当超人真的好难 如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇 再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些 oh 拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会 不要问我哭过了没 因为超人不能流眼泪
哦, 吾爱!!!
Love, Your mistress.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

此刻 68 (继续盗用)

回忆曾经让我们的生命如此绚丽、美好,也曾经让人痛不欲生。如果说没有回忆的人生,就像一个失忆的患者,任心灵到处流浪,找不到回家的路;而充满回忆的人生,就像在满思念的一艘船,漂泊在汪洋的大海中,任风把它吹到你心里的那个家,那我认为你我都已经选择了后者。打从上了漂泊的船,你我已决定或在回忆里头。将来,若那艘思念之船在汪洋大海中迷失了方向,我们也将一起在大海中流浪,皆因,人从未放下自己在人生沿途不经意提起的忧伤。我们就任由自己一次又一次地踏入回忆的陷阱,一次又一次地受伤,一次又一次的奢望时间能重来。 人类并不愚蠢,我们知道时间总爱把事物无声无息地带走,也知道任由我们如何求情,时间从来不对我们善良,从不为谁而来,也不为谁而驻足。但是,人类总是如此地天真,盼望着奇迹的到来,最后却是一场空。心不知碎成几块,还对仅存的回忆执著。

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

此刻 67 (继续盗用)

I am back finally!! Now, I think I have alot of electrical appliances. I have 2 house phones, 2 modems, 2 laptops, 1 netbook and dekstop offcourse. And the thing is I actually do not like electrical appliances with small screens. That's why I actually do not like laptops and netbooks but I cannot deny that they are rather convenient.
I realised that I have some emotional problems lately. I do not like to sit near our dear Mandy frankly speaking. She always makes me frust. And the fact is she knows it but she is not changing anything just for me. How great would that be! Therefore the only solution is that I move to some other more peaceful places. I can have my own peaceful time away from her. I actually manage to control my feeling when she is not so near me. When she is around, I just feeling like scolding the whole wide world. I can't stand a bunch of people talking non-stop beside me when I want to concentrate. That's why I said noise contribute to stress problem. Anyway, since I am always good to everyone, I forgive her.
Wow, my wi-fi aerial signal strength very strong. Good!!! Download damn fast!! But like that die la. Everyday download saja my work. Nothing else!
I realised that I actually will like a person just because of what they write. Like Dr. George Lee. I super like him la. I always follow his column. Very NICE!!! Anyway, Reader Digest April issues are nice too.
你是我的OK绷!!! 杰伦好棒!!!! Be diao. Be cool.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

此刻 66 ( 继续盗用 )

I am not getting 4mbps wi-fi. Sad. Lim Jia Wen, Kristyl and weini area cannot support more than 1mbps. DAMN. Let's pindah rumah. =.=" Still have a long period cannot online at home. WTH. Not able to be diao with Diao. haha. Fei daoo. Be cool Be diao Diao and weini's latest slogan.

Friday, April 2, 2010

此刻 65 (继续盗用)

Uncle Steven is so COOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!! He has a Blackberry, an Apple i phone and an Apple notebook. He is a TECHLOVER. Obviously. Duh. His Apple notebook is so damn slim, smooth and looks so futuristic. Oh, he makes me to want an Apple notebook too. And he has a white Peugeot 308 VTi. I feel like asking Uncle Steven if he can give me a ride!!!
Talking about car. Honda Accord Crosstour is AWESOME!!!! Since when weini so top gear? No idea.
Be COOL, weini Be DIAO, weini

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

此刻 64 (继续盗用)

I need the whole wide world to shut up just for a few minutes. I mean it. Really. Total silence in this world. I just found out that noise actually contributes to stress problem. You mumble and mumble and talking and talking and buzzing and buzzing non-stop, making me feel like killing myself or YOU. Esp that Loudspeaker. Who the hell she thinks she is. Mother Theresa? Come on. Shut up!!! Or you would like me to help you by sewing up your not-pretty mouth. You cannot stop producing noise for a moment? Or maybe you don't even need to produce vibration by vocal cords. Very funny, isn't it? You are racist, my very dear. You want me punch you right in your square face? Or you think I will not dare to? Ya, I admit that I will not dare to in a normal condition. But when I am half-sane, i don't guarantee that I won't go close right up to your face and give you my pretty fist! You think you are right everytime? Maybe. But let me tell you that I DON'T EVEN LIKE TO BE RIGHT!!! You continue to mumble telling us that we are BIADAP, that we will not success or everything you like. But let me tell you a cruel reality that I knew since I was 7, and now I am 17. HUMAN KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES OF MOST OF THE CONDITION, BUT HUMAN ARE TOO WEAK AND IGNORANT TO PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING. It applys to all human, either you or me. You are too a mere weak human, that most of the time do not know what is going to happen next.Do you read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons? Dan Brown said that human actually know far lots of things than what we realise we actually know. But human are ignorant. We need a key to that lock. We need a pull to trigger that explosion. And HELLO, you are so not gonna be the right key at the moment. I don't know whether I actually annoyed you or you annoyed me. But I am sure that I dislike you. I do what you say doesn't mean that you are right. I am just doing whatever I suppose to do. To have that quality of a civilised human. To be civilised to all nature. Because I am civilised. But I am not sure whether you are or maybe you are too civilised, at the level that we cannot reach. Please always consider about us, don't just say that you care for us and asking us out of your class. It is very annoying. Don't always think that we are arrogant and do not respect you. We want to be humble and polite but your demand is making us to go out of the thin line of sanity or in between the line of sanity and insanity. Talking about sanity and insanity. I think you are really influential because you are making the mortal me insane. Believe it or not. I plead that you would set me free. However, I thought I can be quite sane because I am used to receive high pressure and expectation from others. Like a string pulled tight, nearly breaking. I look disgusting when I do something that you do not like and you look highly regard when you are pointing your accusing fingers at me. All human are so different in their own way and I accept that fact although sometimes it could be cruel in a way. I do not like to explain or back up my action. I prefer you to understand it and not whisper any words about it. Human in nature are selfish enough to let me feel a deep and immediate need of shielding myself from all the problems. Last but not least, I feel really lucky to have DIAO to keep me sane when I need to be sane, and to make me totally half-sane when I do not need to be too sane. "It" is the most influential person in my life. Like BigBang is VIP. But this time DIAO is VIP!! And I do hope that Jay can put more effort in his new album and impress me soon. See Jay in May.
All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out.
by Albert Camus.

Monday, March 29, 2010

此刻 63 (继续盗用)

weini ran like hell today. for MAHSURI. i know it is funny. =.= watching criminal mind. i think the murderer has PTSD. looks insane. "don't shoot me, please." "it's not gonna be pain." "please, please, don't!!" "i am not gonna shoot you." "thanks!" "welcome!" He keeps his gun and takes a curve knive out and "arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" her fresh blood splashed onto the guy's face. "nina!!" "nina is dead." he then kills him too and puts on his spec for him. total insanity. weini is feeling good. SMILE=NO EYES

Sunday, March 28, 2010

此刻 62 (继续盗用)

weini is vomiting doing 10 years paperwork. computer pro (consider pro among friends la) also headache. no wonder the owner very headache and need assistance. luckily, weini is always DIAO can do it!!! like NIKE just do it. next time, 1KB charge RM1. then weini will do it happily for you. weini bought alot of chocolate but never eat them. once her sister is back, everything gone!!! now that her sister is back to KL weini feels happier to have chance to eat her chocolate slowly. weini thinks the RitterSport Marzipan is nice but her sister thought yogurt was nice. chocolate with yogurt sucks.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

此刻 61 (继续盗用)

A woman bumped into me who was holding a cup of hot coffee, splashed my coffee onto both of us, look at me for a second and decided not to apology but walked away without turning back. The crowd took for granted that it was all my fault and pointed their accusing fingers at me. I was innocent. I was going to conduct a choir with my shirt stained. Good job, weini. Bad day. I left Shaun eating lunch alone. Had some float and decided to take a nap then continue with Sally's thing. Earth hour, everyone!!! Love the Earth = Love the place you set your feet on = Love yourself and those you love Be cool, weini.

Friday, March 26, 2010

此刻 60 (继续盗用)

Visibility = true/false = coding to change false to true. Mr Joe is saying this kind of thing to me. I know he is the tip-top Computer Programming student, but weini is just a mere ex-computer specialised programme system teacher. Teach until weini vomit blood. 1 company system also die. What's more those alienated words. WTH. But no doubt, he is my best consultant for computer stuff. But sometimes when I am using the latest programme, you ask me to fix your old programme, I quite headache de lo although I can use other way to reach those function keys but those function keys are not the same for each version of programme. Next time right, I will charge you for fixing your computer and worksheet (if I dislike you). If you love me, rasuah me please. Still got a bunch of undone document to tidy up and shun bian fix those errors and format and the due date is TOMORROW. Haha. Oh NOOOOO!! I just remember that I have 1 more document to OCR. I hope can OCR lo because HP and XP sometimes very stupid de lo. Cannot OCR 1. Have to redo. Downloading ReadIRIS. Hope can so don't need redo. Oh yeah. CAN!!!! Oh yeah. Need to go rush work for "customer" liao. See you, everybody!! *menu bar better appear tomorrow

Thursday, March 25, 2010

此刻 59 (继续盗用)

I don't think I am going for National Competition. Sad. Some unexpected things happen. Sob. I WANNA GOOOOO!!! Okla. Maybe it is not so fair la. Jun and I went 3 years already. But this is my last year le. Let me go laaa. Old already lo. Must let me menunaikan hajat. Cross your hand, everybody!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

此刻 58 (继续盗用)

I saw Dr Tan. He walked too fast. I shouted. He can't hear. I smelled coffee. Too strong an aroma. I feel like juggling a big mug of Espresso. How cool. I have alot of homeworks. 5 reports, 5 essays, History notes Chap 4, Komsas stupid notes and ex, Chemistry wb, and I don't remember the rest. I have alot of school programs to follow. Hari Anugerah+Kawad Statik+Choir Performance and PIBG this Saturday, latihan rumah sukan every Mon, Ping Pong every Wed and Thu, Sports Day coming soon, Mentor-mentee program every week, Detention class every Mon, Thu and Fri, record all SMKTA students attendance every Thu, Prefects meeting twice a month, respond to A.Sally "urgent" call and I don't want to know the others. Headache!! Test on 6th April. F***

Monday, March 22, 2010

此刻 57 (继续盗用)

Laziness in weini. Kejam-ness in vin-vin. 100% match. State Comp made weini lazy and moodless to study. When we are together, we get too high!!! Mari kita pergi National Comp bersama-sama, leave Lim Jia Wen and Lum Man Houw (cool-double L) out. Mr Chong (Ryan la) is the Pegawai Pengiring so we are suppose to leave Nip out too. Don't know whether Ryan will lead us out from the hall diaoly or not if Lok Yee Fee is still boring. Yer, Terengganu year so FUN!! Actually hor, I also don't know whether I going or not 1. Shaun most probably going because he is going to "teman" Mr Chong. Can I "teman" Mr Chong also? So that I can go? And I think Melvin most probably will molest Mr Chong because he is GAY and he is interested in Mr Chong. Roarr. Can I not do homework? Can I not be a good girl for a while? Since I already represent the Chinese to beat all others. Mwahahahahaha. 4A+ 4A 2A- for FEB test, after CNY holiday le, not bad le. Okla. I will try to keep low profile. Hahaha. Saya tak nak homework, tak nak tuition, tak nak pergi ke sekolah!!!! Just want to have some FUN!! Real FUN. I realised the feeling of getting tired after getting real FUN is nice-THUMB up. Then 8.30pm sudah boleh tidur sampai the next morning. Very happy o. Too bad, I know I am day-dreaming la. WEINI!! WAKE UP LOOOOO!!!!!!!! Ok. Ok. Go back to the reality world.

此刻 56 (继续盗用)

weini is going to cut her Streamyx line to change plan. therefore, weini is offering a chance to help you download anything you need. after that, you will see weini disappear for a month then after a month you will see weini more frequently online and download things very fast. hahahahaha. hence, i am promoting this new plan of Streamyx, the Uni blah blah plan. RM100 for 4Mbps wifi, free modem, free netbook with broadband. gaga. cool-ness

Saturday, March 20, 2010

此刻 55 (继续盗用)

EXHAUSTED. Tomorrow result is out and I will be the first to know. Haha.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

此刻 54 (继续盗用)

Dedicate to 俐屌
流浪诗人 还是 同一种调调 找不到失败的理由 找不到 放弃的理由 这是 不能说的秘密 这是 最后的战役 得 一路向北 继续走下去 皆因 凯旋之歌在千里之外 听 不见 惟继续走下去 才能 听见凯旋之歌 才能 达成蒲公英的约定
当疲累不堪 四面楚歌 给我
一首歌的时间 喝 爷爷泡的茶 让我 梦见花海 似乎 听见远方 有血 有泪 有爱 有恨 十一的萧邦 穿上黑色毛衣 拿着 双节棍 (快使用双节棍 XXXX) 乱舞春秋 借口 瓦解 也该是 归去的时候 不是懦夫 加紧脚步 甜甜的 彩虹终于出现在眼前

此刻 53 (继续盗用)

Look. I think some of you have great imagination. Some like to say OMFG instead of OMG. Which means Oh My F****** God!!! Wah. Your God F******!! Cool-ness.
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Here comes T.O.P. Lol. So sick. When TOP did choreo mistake, he showed the face. Even DaeSung smiled at him. Then his fans were so damn high, saying that he looked very cute when he did mistake. Poor T.O.P I say. Does it means that next time he should do more mistake to please the fans. However, no doubt, he looks too cute to be blamed.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

此刻 52 (继续盗用)

Today weini saw RC. First he was buying mineral water at the counter beside me at GSC. Then he was lining up in front of me to get the 3D glasses. Later in the cinema he sat beside his friend and I sat beside his friend which means I sat beside beside him. Anyway, expired bread needs to be disposed. Today I saw a girl-guy -- I ain't sure whether it is a he or she, do its make up like TOP with thick smooth eyeliner. Cool-ness

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

此刻 51 (继续盗用)

T.O.P is totally making weini crazy!!! T.O.P = H.O.T!!! T.O.P is so damn perfect and so freaking funny!!! Even sleeping T.O.P is still so damn cute!!! weini currently having T.O.P fever 0_0 !!! I just realised that I missed PANDAMEN last episode. Haha

Sunday, March 14, 2010

此刻 50 (继续盗用)

I see kua-zhang-ness in Choi Seung Hyeon aka T.O.P or Tempo or bingu(he don't like this) although he is sexy-ful. Sometimes over passionate liao, cannot tahan. He cannot sing 1 lo. Lol. But I think he is an inborn actor--because he is super dramatic. Anyway, he really very shuai lo. Irresistable!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

此刻 49 (继续盗用)

I finally finished watching IRIS. I dislike Kim Hyeon Jun. He hit and killed T.O.P!!! He made T.O.P cannot die in a very 帅 way. Damn him. Anyway, see T.O.P so 帅 he killed his own "girlfriend". Btw, how Kim Hyeon Jun die 1? WTF. Just bleeding there only. And now I declare Kim Tae Hee AUNTIE. So auntie la she. Cannot tahan. Why T.O.P die. Haih. IRIS 2 tak ada leng zai dy. Honestly, I don't really keen to continue the show after T.O.P die. No leng zai see already ma. Very realistic 1. And I very honest 1. Talking about honest. That day I just said a doctor boring right in his face. Actually he was not. He was quite humourous. It's just that he asked me whether I have MENTAL DISORDER. Die la him. =.=" I got angry and shot him back. I shall remember that cardiologist, DR CHONG JEN LIM that happened to think that I am mentally ill.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

此刻 48 (继续盗用)

I finally miss PANDAMEN because of IRIS. I can't leave IRIS for a few reasonS.
1) I have no tuition on Wednesday. So very free to watch. But I terslept this afternoon because my brother having war or something on the dekstop!! Damn! 2) I am having Poem Writing Competition this Saturday. And I miss IRIS very much. And I can't let myself keep thinking of IRIS because this show is too logic and poem should be some kind of crap. I need to finish it asap to give attention to my poem. 3) If I don't catch up, I will soon forget all the episodes I watched and I need to rewatch. 4) I miss T.O.P!! 5) I am not going to school tomorrow so I can actually do some couch activity. Hahahah. 6) When it reach the climax part of a show, you just want to stick to the screen. Can kiss the screen better still. That's the point la, Kim Hyeon Jun already found of about IRIS and Baek San, now taking revenge ++ complicated love triangle, Choi Seung Hee VS Kim Seon Hwa and Kim Hyeon Joon VS Jin Sa Woo.
For all the reasons above, I decided to watch IRIS instead of PANDAMEN.
Actually hor, I don't like Kim Tae Hee 1 lo. In the show, I also don't like her 1. I like Kim So Yeon 1. Ok. Now need to continue IRISing already. See you, my dear.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

此刻 47 (继续盗用)

My mum got herself a Marc by Marc Jacobs spec. I damn like it. Super nice la. Can't resist. Feel like getting myself the maroon 1. Anyway, CK was persuading me to use contact because I just spotted a Marc Jacobs shade that was hyper cool, esp the side. But I don't think he will be successful although he kept promising that he will help to look after and blah blah blah. By the way, just suggesting, cutie violet not bad. And it doesn't look weird on Asian, worth a try. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX State Comp is around the corner. And I will be the Nursing casualty!!! why LA..LA..LA..LA..LA......???!!!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sometimes, when people treat me good, I will think that they have other intention and I am not sure whether they are sincere or not. I am a bit fear

Monday, March 8, 2010

此刻 46 (继续盗用)

The BEST korean drama I ever watch is IRIS And I like that Big Bang guy Man Houw said he is TOP Indeed he looks physically top. He is very cute--I like him!! I like his gothic look--so damn cool. And I think he looks good in whatever hairstyle.

Friday, March 5, 2010

此刻 45 (继续盗用)

When Incomparable started, all his fans shouting Jie Lun! Jie Lun! Jie Lun!! Jie Lun....! I kept searching for his shadow. Then Yi Fu Zhi Ming melody is played, the dancers came out, I am still searching for him. Then, I heard his voice singing, his figure slowly came down from above, standing on a crucifix...... He looked so damn shuai. I like his green highlight. I like his costumes. I like his songs. I love Jay Chou. He is my choice!!! Feel super gam dong everytime watching his lifeshow. Very very proud of him!! He fills the emptiness of my life. Special thanks to DIAO, my Jay friend.
If loving Jay Chou is wrong, Then I don't want to be right, No Jay, no music, no life, no me.
无与伦比 为杰沉沦

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

此刻 44 (继续盗用)

Until now, I can just say that I am super busy. I think I am like a superwoman. Need to divide myself into a hundred pieces to multitask. I feel quite bored for this kind of life. But somehow, I try to imagine that I am like Jay, busy but contented. This makes me feel better and be more energetic to complete my tasks. I don't understand why the school is giving us, the innocent prefects more and more ineffective programme. It is wasting our time as well as the administrators' time. I only have a pair of hands and a knuckle-small brain. I cannot do more than...say 3 things at a time. I only have a brain divided into 2 parts, 1 for logical thinking, another for creativity. If I were using both parts of my brain at once, I believe that I might mess things up as 1 part of my brain doesn't work logically. Similar to my hands, the right hand writes beautiful, artistic pieces while the left, produces deformed, crooked writing. And what's more, I do not really like the others to question me when I ask them for help, mainly it is supposed to be their job, I am just reminding and dividing the jobs. So, I often end up doing the things on my own because I would not want to answer their questions. Furthermore, I would not care if you were my best friend or not, when it comes to work, I treat everybody the same. I would not care if the teachers were fond of me and I would not try to make them happy. I do not like to pretend that I like all my friends and I will not hesitate to warn them if they did wrong as long as I am their leader. I do not like to listen to gossips, whether about other people or me. I do not like people to go against the rules that I set as long as I am their leader. I do not like people to not take what I said seriously. I do not like people to bribe me or make me happy because I already knew what I should know. I do not like people to bls around me and I esp hate them shouting my name from far as if the coverage is not clear. I do not like people to get hurt a bit and make believe that they get hurt really badly and make me worry and loss confident as a first-aider. I do not like people to strut and fret about your pride that does not fruit from your hard work although life is a drama. You do not need to be over-dramatic. I do not like people to question my ability. I would not let others to cut my line neither to be better than me. I am confused. I am not sure how to become a good leader. I am not sure how to become successful. I am not sure if you are sincere. I am not sure how to be happy. I am not sure what to select. I am not sure how to get up from the falls. I am not sure where is the junction ahead. That is why I am throwing all my worries away for this moment to talk to myself. I need strength to pull through. Goodnight, Jay, my love. You will always be my shoulder to lean against.

Friday, February 26, 2010

此刻 43 (继续盗用)


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

此刻 42 (继续盗用)

Because of Pandamen, I give up studying for FEB test tomorrow!! Jay Chou, Jay Chou, you are the poison IVY!!! Goodnight, my love!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

此刻 41 (继续盗用)


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

此刻 40 (继续盗用)

帮助别人,让我们感到快乐,一种最单纯的快乐 但如今我夹杂于快乐与不快乐之间,感觉好灰,灰的看不见前方,但仍能继续走下去。只是天刚破晓的时候,惊觉自己以不知所终,让人冷不防摔了一跤,想爬起,但有心无力。 翌日的朝阳,不知是否会继续为我升起,继续引导我走向那未知的远方。 今天的我,好疲惫,好疲惫。。。

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

此刻 39 (继续盗用)

“我忆起昨夜的心情,当时的自己是兴奋的,迫不及待地书写一页有一页的心情。 我在一阵呼啸的海浪声中听到我的心声,风在指引我走向心的方向。但那新的目标在翌日太阳升起后,我又得小心翼翼地把自己收藏起来。。。。。。 ”
人总喜欢把自己的影子隐藏得不见踪影,让心被围剿的机会归零。但心中泛起的无数涟漪,永远只能在黑漆漆的夜里,悄悄露出水面,待鱼儿睡着的时候独自哼唱着那首熟悉的--安静。 从来都没有人知道自己心中的黑色幽默,只希望待晴天的时候,给你暗号,让你听得到。

Saturday, February 6, 2010

此刻 38 (继续盗用)

I was so gam dong that Diao willingly lend me 'its' collection of Jay Chou's pictures-n-news cut and paste. I really felt like crying when she gave me Jay's super shuai-dao-bao and 'Secret' poster. Jay Chou is so damn diao!! 屌喔!! The collection brought back my memories of Jay piece by piece.

"Some songs he sang at the concert also brought back some memories. During my student days, it was Jay Chou's songs that took me through many uni assignments, many friendships and heartbreaks.

It was surreal yet at the same time nostalgic for me to witness this same person performing live in the flesh right in front of me. It was like somehow he played a part of my life." Kenny Sia said.

Such apt and touching descriptions of Kenny Sia. When I was in primary school, Jay Chou's songs indeed accompany me through my good and bad times. Until now, I still wait with anticipation for the release of his new albums.

It was quite a miracle that I fell so deeply in love with this 'not quite good looking' guy. However, I thought he looks very cool now with his original essence of life. Unlike artiste like LeeHom, Jay Chou does not give in to the western style that is leading. He originally, significantly and instead stubbornly produce songs with strong Eastern identity combine with Vincent Fang's cheem lyrics. Indeed, Jay is leading the Asian into a new era of genuinely-eastern style.

He is really a true Asian Chinese that I regard highly. With his geniuses in both music and values, he wins many's admiration. He will continue to flourish as long as his songs last.

I was being so serious.

Off course. To Jay Chou.

If my language could be better, I would like to describe more as for now, I couldn't even begin to describe more about his talent.

I guess a picture explains it all. However, this is not all he can do.

His shadow would be in life for he plays an important role in my life.Italic




Friday, February 5, 2010

此刻 37 (继续盗用)

Jay's Grand Piano is not very nice!! I missed Pandaman today!! Sobx...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

此刻 36 (继续盗用)

Okla. Pandamen not so bad. At least I laughed like hell. But still it is very fei la. I think yu hao quite cute la. Hahaha. But seriously I don't really like Dan Tou. But if Jay's intention is to let the children to have another hero to admire, I don't think his ambition can be achieved. As a matter of fact, these Panda Heroes too stupid already la. Sry, Jay, not purposely dela. Anyway, just watched TRUE HERO trailer, why Jay's face not inside 1?? Not fair!!! Not fair!!!
Already half dead. Very busy. But at least slowly catching up with copying homework. Mwahahahahahah.
If I fall, will you offer me a hand? If you would, please give me your hand now and I will hold on to you walking down this dark alleys strongly.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

此刻 35 (继续盗用)

Today I just watched PANDAMEN. Honestly, quite bak chi lo. The one should be handsome not handsome at all, the one should be pretty like hell not so pretty. But I know Jay like this type of girl 1. Haha. Then, whole drama is memang act shuai 1 la. Damn him. Sry, Jay, I don't mean that. And why la, Jay need to wear his sweat hat, and Mr. Shuai need to do his zhao pai movement, and Dan Tou, the Panda "Xia" need to make his hair so outstanding that everyone will recognise him as panda hero by just looking at his stupid hair!! And the computer skill sometimes is very over. As if they are really supernatural or something. And that Jerry, thanks to my husband, Jay, also act shuai in that show!! =_= Until now, Pandamen belum keluar. Baju saja yang siap. Anyway, I can stand in Jay's view and consider this show. I think his intention is good that he is trying to portray a Chinese hero in youngsters' heart, not only the westerners, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Batman, Superman, Spiderman.....every day. Damn bias la like that. Give face to my husband la. I will moral support my Jay, but I am really too busy to follow the show. But I will still try my best!!!! JAY, I LOVE YOU!!!! as always...
I wish the one who used to support me and give me hands will still be by my side giving me strength and picking me up from this hard fall.

Friday, January 29, 2010

此刻 34 (继续盗用)

Firstly, I would like to thank Pikachu for that Birthday Bear. Damn cute. I wonder if they sell all 365 days??
Secondly, I would like to thank Diao for this:
弹头继续爆周杰伦的“糗事”:“一次一个五万人的演唱会上, 他在台上踢到一个东西,很痛很痛,但是还继续忍着, 把歌唱完。但当他转身面对我们时,就做出‘很痛’的表情。 他就是这样啦,无论何时何地都不会忘记耍帅的。”
I damn gam dong la. Hahahahaha.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

此刻 33 (继续盗用)

My JAY CHOU is so damn cute** Wuliao betul == super busy laaaaaaaaa wish i can be the thief of time turning the wheel of time backwards

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

此刻 32 (继续盗用)


Sunday, January 24, 2010

此刻 31 (继续盗用)

Well, JY are supposed to step on this beloved land of Malaysia yesterday. Right, looking forward to see the dark and fat JY. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Today went for St John Reexam and found out that our new doctor, Dr. Yuan quite handsome and fit. Haha. Not my prey la. He asked damn alot of questions until you suffocate. Still has alooooooooot of homework undone!!!! Need to get all the shit done ASAP!!! Days ahead is gonna be damn FINE!!!! GAMBATTE weini!!!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

此刻 30 (继续盗用)

Today is my hubby, Jay's birthday!! And, WEINI LOST HER LEVI'S WALLET TODAY!!! WTF =.="" sien liao lo. What to do now?? Haih... Happy Birthday, Jay!!! Good for you to get together with Jolin again!!! See, Diao. I told you right!! Very busy la. That's why blog also die. BUT I WILL BE BACK!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

此刻 29 (继续盗用)

Today is my Birthday. Ya, rounding applause. Gain one more year, turn into 17. We randomly bought tickets for Vampire's Assistant and randomly saw Gary and XXXXXX at the corridor and randomly met them again back in the theatre. We ate lunch at Tepanyaki. Sucks like hell. It was the first time and the last too. Then Sam kept complaining to me about his hard life @ ECM. Ok. Got it. He needed a meal with me right away. So we went to Sushi King. 2 Jap meals out of 3 main meals. WTH!! Sam said, Ohh, rupa-rupanya you are a Japanese!!! Zadao =.=". Eating Jap meal always doesn't actually proof one's race!! He seriously needs to fix his teeth and he will become very handsome already. Trust me!! He said he wants to treat me to a meal of 3 joss sticks. Go die la!!! Next time don't want to listen to your complain baru tahu. Bought an ice cream cake but don't know whether can finish it today or not. Lol. Tomorrow going to KL to meet that woman up. LOL. Ms Woman Lim. And SHIT!! Forgot to buy travelling pills!!!!!!! Nevermind, forget about that. Ok. Stay tuned.................... Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to weini, Happy Birthday to you!!! weini will always be pretty as always and smart as usual!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

此刻 28 (继续盗用)

It's quite ironic to think that I am gonna turn 17 in 2 hours and 10 minutes time. Feel so old. Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a too happy day. I am gonna eat my ice-cream cake. And meet alot of friends. Man said working at his shop is good because even my birthday or CNY or public holiday, all the people in the mall will celebrate together with me. Bull shit la he. I rather stay at home and sleep la, come on. So, now this moment is the last 2 hours and 7 minutes of the 16 me. Gonna say goodbye to 16-year-old weini soon. My feeling mixed up. Very hard to explain.
Anyway, I hope tomorrow is another GOOD day for me, and the days in the future will be even better. But 1 thing, before my life of 16 years old ends, I have to finish the mountain of homework first since I am gonna enjoy my day tomorrow and follow Jun to KL on Sunday. I believe you don't want to see my body being cut into 18 pieces by any of the teachers right. Ok. You should love me more and let me be happy in my own little world then!!
My Birthday last Calculator: 2 hours and 3 minutes from now.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

此刻 27 (继续盗用)

Jun said she is busy on Saturday that she has no time to celebrate my birthday with me this Saturday. WTH!! =.=" Tinggalkan me!!! I got complained again by teacher because of my hair!! That stupid Brince la. I told him to cut PROPERLY and tidier and shorter. He just can't get it. He is so into his hair stylist principle that he neglected the school rules!!! He don't let my mum to cut her hair shorter and persuade my brother to leave his hair long like his!! OMG =.=" My Birthday Calculator: 28 hours and 23 minutes from now

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

此刻 26 (继续盗用)

ARE YOU READY?????? to celebrate weini's extraordinary sweet 17 (17 can call sweet 17 ar?) Go get ready my present with your "heart" (i don't want you die, but Yeo Jie Yin said "got your heart can liao!!!") As DIAO said, 礼到人不到 ma. But that damn DIAO ar, as my mistress, how can XX dump me on my birthday 1?? Ok lo. I dump XX on that day ma. So fair lo. So, remember the long list of V.I.P's, pls present yourself on this Saturday!!
My Birthday Calculator: 3 days from now

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

此刻 25 (继续盗用)

I am getting older soooonnn. How come so fast 1? I also don't know why la. Noriza damn noisy and boring. Love FattLai. Jay Chou, Jay Chou, where are you? Fast Fast sing la. Your wife damn sien le. Die lo. This year I feel even lazier to do anything. I just feel want to relax don't know why. Like that can die la. Now I realised why Brince go leave a "V" at the back of my hair. It's damn......trendy? It's actually not a "V" at the back, but "m". Die la like that. I didn't realise that day. =.=" Damn banyak homework!!! =.=' Mummmyyyyyy!!!! :( I hope there is no stupid gotong-royong on this Saturday because it is my BIRTHDAY la. And don't rain plssssss.
My Birthday Calculator: 4 days from now

Sunday, January 3, 2010

此刻 24 (继续盗用)

Tomorrow going back to school again. =.=" Don't know whether it's suppose to be sien or what. Today go to school already like half dead. Because I am wearing winter clothes in summer. Imagine, long sleeves shirt plus blazer. Siao 1. @_@ Tomorrow somemore got perhimpunan. Luckily I can run away from the crowd and hide beside the PA. Haih. The big boss ar..................TOTALLY speechless........
Today Man said he wants to give me a birthday cake that only cost him RM0.15. If he really gives that only, I will KILL him. Maybe you can't find his body anymore. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Today Sam told me a super funny joke. Listen here carefully. Sam said, he will never cry ANYMORE. I said it is impossible. It's just that I don't know if he hides somewhere to cry.. He said, his tears all dry already. Want to cry also no tears. You know why his tears dry up? OK. Let's start from the beginning of the story when he was 13.
He was a student of Chinese Private School in Seremban. In the 1st six months of his life in Seremban, all his friends cried so often missing their families. But he, an extraordinary boy, did not even cry once. So when it was National Day, his dad went to visit him in the hostel. Then, he cried like his eyes was the fountain of Panching. Then later, his friends have to carry him from the 6th floor into the van then to the General Hospital. He waited there for 3 hours to be treated. He was fever for a week because he cried too heavily flooding the school. And I pity his friends have to carry this "body" from the 6th floor to the G floor. OMG!! Come on la, Sam, don't act pandai lo next time.
And to all Dear Guys, this reminds you not to act cool la come on...., you will finally break down like this cute Sammy la. Trust me.
And specially to Lim Jia Wen.
PROUDLY PRESENT TO YOU, ALEXANDER WANG LEE HOM (although Jay Chou much more cuter)
My Birthday calculator: 6 days from now

Friday, January 1, 2010

此刻 23 (继续盗用)

Today I went to have a hair cut before school reopens at Brince's place. He just likes to pull my hair so much, I don't know why. But I just love how he "manages" my hair, like a fresh hair-look in the magazine. But I just can't make it back after I wash my hair. Frust. He loves to give me heart-attack suprises every time I see him. Last time was a Big Curve "n" at the back. Today is a small tiny "V" at the back. The point is, I am having short cool hair and he gives me a "V" at the back. How am I suppose to survive in school with that? I am a prefect and 1 of the AJK Tertinggi la come on. Today he helped me to take out a bunch of hair pins from my hair and ask what I want. I don't think this is a necessary question because he will normally do whatever he wants with my hair. And the point is, I trusted him and let him go ahead. But today he asked whether I want to cut like his. OMG!!!! You know what colour is his hair. I cannot explain. White? Strawberry blonde? Gold? But I can make sure that he bleached his hair twice and my mum calls him "white hair monster" aka 白发魔女. His hair is like I don't know how to explain, like medium length, layered, left side trimmed to ear-length, right side normal length and fringe curves from above eyebrow to the middle of his face. DAI LOU!!! You want me die so much?? WTH!! Actually his hair very nice...., true. The colour tone very good...., true also. But...., can it not be WHITE??!!!! Haih...., he loves it so much and he thinks himself so positively outstanding. OMG. Speechless betul. I also found out that A be's fingers very beautiful la. Especially his nails. I just accidentally saw.
Today " Hollywood " at Megamall opens. I mean a new 1. Decoration super over. Like jewellery shop. I think not that necessary. And my mum thought Sam looked so handsome today. But today he very dai sek la. He praised me le. WTF. I was actually wearing school shirt with jeans today because of my mum wrongly planned schedule. I changed in car. Just wore a jeans and a vest with a tie which was supposed to be a belt.
He was like, Wah, your school uniform very yeah lo. I was like, Yeah le, it only takes me 3 minutes. He liked to tease me so much last time, today so guai, sky drop lo! We once almost fought in the phone because he called me AUNTY!!! WTH!! =.= And 1 time I went his shop with my mum then he suddenly appeared from the back and shouted AUNTY so loudly. Then I was like 你吓到我啦!! Then he was like, I also didn't call you, I call Aunty ma, you 吓到 for what?! He just like to bully me and I shall bully him back!!
My Birthday Calculator: 8 days from now