Monday, November 30, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

此刻 05 ( 继续盗用 )

为什么恋爱中的女人总被冲昏了头? 嗨!真令人百思莫解。 但是,有一些人的恋爱确实让我敬佩。 你应该懂我再说谁吧! 能够在恋爱中保持理智现实,才是让烟火继续燃烧的火种。 我其实希望我文章中的主角能够等到那一天。 你知道哪一天,对吧!

Friday, November 27, 2009

此刻 04 ( 继续盗用 ) - 令我动容的此刻

> 24 & 255; return this.FONTMAP.substring(2 * (id - 1), 2 * id); }" size="4">思念

Remembrance 刘轩









她们那一代的女人真苦,先是抗战,接着内战,自己从北京逃到重庆,再到台湾,好不容易和爷爷团聚,不过几年,爷爷就病逝了。我小时候陪她跪在床边祷 告,最常听她暗地自语的就是「主啊,快点把我接回去!」我则一旁默默念着:「主啊,不要听她的,让奶奶多活几年!」抬头看着爷爷的照片,戴着小圆框眼镜, 一脸斯文,好像爸爸。

老爸也对爷爷充满思念。爷爷给他买大块的巧克力,吃稀饭时总是给他装满满的一碗肉松。爷爷常带爸爸钓鱼,把他往自行车上面的小藤椅一放,一手执钓竿 ,一手骑车。河边的姜花送来淡淡的幽香,蓝色的月光闪在水面的波纹之间。这些全是老爸九岁之前的回忆,但后来也成了我的回忆,因为好几次在老爸的文章里读 到这个场景,每次都描述得特别唯美,让我这个小孩子也开始思念起「老台北的淡水河」。

那时,我们已经搬到美国,离家不远有个小湖,我和老爸经常去哪里跑步,一边跑一边考试。老爸指着水面:怎么形容?「波光粼粼。」指着岸边的柳树, 「柳展宫眉。」好,桃花源记,开始背!「Oh, NO!」老爸严肃地说:「不要忘了你的根!」但有一天他突然停下来,指着水边兴奋地说:「姜花!还有野百合!」我还在喘,只见他大步大步踩入草丛,弯下腰 消失了片刻,又猛地站起来,挥着双手快步奔向我:「跑!跑!」这时我才看见他头上围了一群黑黑的东西。我们两人死命跑了几百公尺,停下来时还有马蜂缠在头 发里,被螫到的地方让我疼了一整夜。但我很开心,因为老爸常提起的姜花,现在也成为我少年生动的记忆。

我很幸运,半生平平顺顺,不像身边的许多长辈和朋友一样失去过亲人,甚至失去过家乡。我的思念总是个美好的选择,像那些印象派画家笔下雾蒙蒙、粉嫩 嫩的意境一般。身边的人都有好多的思念,而我呢?最显明的就是八岁离开台湾时,最后一天在小学操场看到的火红晚霞。即使到现在,我还是很爱看晚霞。






奶奶2000年去世了,享年93岁。随之我才终于见到另一边的亲戚们。原来老爸有五个哥哥,全在美国,孩子也都像我一样在美国长大。我突然身边多了 好几个ABC表兄弟姊妹,大家来到纽约团聚。那次我拍了很多照片,始终无法把一生积累的记忆与眼前的景象对在一起。有一张合照是老爸和几个哥哥并排搭着 肩,他们长得还真像。


至于把老爸养大,也看我一路进入大学的奶奶呢?她葬在纽约,在一个离家不远的墓园,左邻右舍是意大利人和韩国人。她这一辈子思念的北京老家,生前爸 爸曾带她回去过。她思念多年的丈夫,老爸也曾带她上坟。但是最后奶奶告诉爸爸:「还是睡在美国吧!住到深坑的山上多冷!要看看你们,还得坐飞机。」



我去哪里的目的很简单:我在思念。身为第三代外省人、第二代台湾人、第一代美国移民,我虽然在和平中长大,在国际都市间穿梭自如,但直到最近才发 现,我继承了好多大江大海的历史、好多人的理想和期望。思念是不需要亲身经历的,也不一定要疼痛或失去才能衬托它的意义。它其实是个选择,对任何我们赋有 情感的人、事、地、灵,献上一点内心的感激。


此刻 03 ( 继续盗用 )

Today 4 of us went out together for the 1 LAST TIME. When I say 4 of us, you should know the poem 4, me, jy, jun and penny. Kinda sad la. Haih. Why everybody leaving? Nobody can answer me. Then I send her to Megamall as an ending of our XX (don't know what to say). She wanted to hunt for her Jeans jacket to Qatar. I met Ah Wai who keep asking me to try on their free test lens. Rest for AD. # Hollywood and Focus World # having 1 DAY ACUVUE free trial. You just need to fill in an easy form telling what are the current lens you using and get 1 pair free Johnson & Johnson's 1 day acuvue lens. AD over. Continue my story. Actually 1 of my aim was to find Ah Man. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! So many girls surrounding him lar. WTF. Got 正经事 want to tell him lar. WTH lar! When finally no customer, he went out for lunch liao!! ISHHHHHHHHH!! What lar! Next time have to call him and threaten him first. Anyway, he is gonna be my....................................XXXXXXXXX. NEIGHBOUR!!!! He is gonna live near Lim Jia Wen there. Ok. CNY I go fan all of them. But for what? No ang pau also. I think they sure come to my house 1 lor. Because my mum give ang pau ma. WTF! I lock my gate with super lock man. Ok la. At least we can have Cabernet fiesta at my house!!! Hooray!!! Throw Merlot and hug CABERNET!!! Don't want la. Later I have to carry all of them back. And I don't want them to vomit all around my house. Don't know la. I admit wine is not really nice. But they simply have draw. Strong draw. I can't resist the draw la. But I just drink during CNY la or maybe special ocassion. Ok. Ms Penny is leaving this Sunday for Qatar petroleum prince. I just hope when she come back she don't wear tudung! Lol. Hope everything is fine. Today's mood chart : A big nice tick!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

此刻 02 ( 再次盗用 )

今天心情有点低落,只因为一些琐碎事。 这低落的心情让我想了很久,很多。 哈,我就是这副老样子,容易被周围的小变化影响。 就算事过境迁,沧海桑田,我还保留我内心最根深蒂固的一部分。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 从前,有人问我,难道我不后悔失去了童年? 我悻悻然地答不。现在可后悔莫及了。 当时间与我脚步之间的竞争力越强,我越想裹足不前,至少三步并一步。 走在时间约前端,我越发现我跟不上拿不稳的步伐。 正当发现之际,心里不禁颤抖一下。 原来,我还没准备好失去童年,跨一步大步的,勇往直前。 但是,此时追悔莫及,唯有独自咽下这股怨气。 幸好,现在正当青春之际,虽然不至于年少轻狂,至少曾经风靡。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 我曾经以为我能够解放对自己设下的圈套,但是原来只是自圆其说。 只要一遇到挫折,挫折感在心中扎下根,久久不能自己。 原来我可以变得那么脆弱。或许我原来就是。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 又看到赵家心酸的样子,一种说不清的感觉油然而生。 泪水有冲动的欲望,但能够悬崖勒马。 不知道是悲痛抑或怜悯。 只是一种开不了口的感觉。 细腻的心到底是好抑或坏。问苍天无语。 你说,我是否又像从前一样把自己关在一个不见天日的笼子? 我也不晓得何时开始,变得如此。 其实,我觉得我是在逃避着残酷的现实。 因为我不敢面对,因为我不想再跌到,因为我不想再被捅一刀。 在伤疤上撒盐,你说,什么感觉? 一个我想都不敢的感觉。 本来我认为我至少有一个倾诉的对象,但是如今他也走了,我该如何是好? 我常常扪心自问,为何身边的人总要离我远去? 或许,人生就如一个地铁站,到站了自然要下车转站。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 我在想,今天我如此垂头丧气,下一次该会怎么样? 如果今天我没有部落格,那明天得我心在何处? 我对人真地开不了口,我也不晓得为什么。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 我喜欢深夜的夜深人静,因为我恨不得把人类丑陋的面具剥下,但又能如何。 我有时甚至觉得自己也很丑陋,无法面对自己的所作所为。 我曾经看到朋友给自己的励志留言, “There is always obstacles, we either fight it or surrender!" 但是现在我不要投降也不要面对,那你告诉我,我该怎么办? 有时我想,人总是如此贪婪,在生命中想要更多的选择,但却琳琅满目,毫无头绪。 如果我只有两条路选,我已经选择了放弃。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 我曾经看过一本令我产生共鸣的书。 郭福城写的 《迷途的羔羊》。 他的名字像郭富城一样轰动,但一生却在牢狱里度过,说出来不见得光彩。 但我发现我已慢慢忘记它的内容。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 或许,在外看来,我比任何人来的坚强,勇敢。 但是,原来内心的自己不及过街老鼠。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 从前,有人告诉我,每晚要反思自己做过的事,我当时不明白。 但是,我现在似乎每晚都深深的反思,发现人的空虚。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 我偶尔想静下来写生、爬格子,但都幻灭。 人生离不开责任,就是因为责任,我背负人生最沉重的债。 有时我又想记忆好是好是坏。我总是不能忘记往事。 往事被锁在潜意识的磁碟中,不时在脑海里剪辑。 抑或我想太多? 脑海中的一百零一个问号没有一天能石沉大海。 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 今天,我有在我心情表上画了个大叉。

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

此刻 01 ( 盗用一下 )

Today I went to ECM for lunch. Actually because I am dumped. That's why ECM. Heading to Laksa Shack then suddenly saw Ms Diao and Krissy with Chelsea and Vagina Lim. Went into sit thought want to tag along. Look at the menu and feel weird why all pizza? Then realise it is not Laksa Shack. It is Pizza Hut. I quickly went out and go beside. I ended up da bao ing KFC. WTF!! Then I went to Carrefour to search Amy's hubby favourite blah. Can't find it. Went to Samuel and Kevin because having mega sales. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Shopping time!!!! Then saw Ah Seng without CK. Ah Seng keeps smiling so no choice. I have to smile back. After I sao gong go ECM with family at night Ah Seng still smiling man. Walao. Mouth not numb 1. Then pass by Hollywood when heading to Door D back to office. Saw Ah Man in T shirt. He off. Walao. Damn man lo. Man daooooo. + abit sexy. Lol. I very suey 1 le. Ignore people. Lol. Then Ms Diao scolded me. =.= Diao scolded me for not opening a facebook acc. =.= so cham. Like that also kena? WTF Ok la, Diao. Depends on my mood and your luck la Goodnight. Tomorrow still need to work but Mr Leong is coming to pick me up for lunch. Looking forward to see what has become of him.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today I went to watch 2012 with Jun. And I think I was ALMOST like a trouble maker. Not yet a trouble maker. Ok. We bought 11.55am tickets. We were there by 11am. Jun bought an ice-cream at BR as her brunch. Then I pulled her to accompany me see shoes and clothes. We were abit late plus we were lining up to buy food. We went into the theatre but the light was already off. And Jun who was very semangat to watch the ad blame me. It was really dark and I forget to wear spec. I can't see. Jun just shouted. We sit here. Here!! I stupidly reply Jun. Here? I can't see. Got human de ma? Then Jun on her HP light and I saw a big good guy sitting right there staring at us like we came from Venus. We quickly sit down and Jun thought still got ad. Mana tahu. Movie start liao. Lol. We were watching and we were laughing like hell although everyone else just shut up and seriously watching the movie. At the end, when the light was on, Jun didn't want to go first. We were sitting down listening to Adam Lambert's Time for Miracle. Then the guy beside me wanted to go out. He stood up half way then sat down again. Figuring why on earth was this 2 crazy women still sitting down here blocking his god damn way. We went out until the cinema men chase us out. And we 2 chilled like hell. Then on our way back, GUESS WHO I SPOTTED? I saw Ryan Chong. In his black round neck AGAIN. I started to believe what CWX said. That he ONLY has black tops. He didn't look extra good in it and I as a person that has a little bit sense of art kindly recommend him to change his colour because black is totally not a colour that can outstand his personality. My dekstop is dead again but luckily 2 lappies are back. Miss my dekstop. I am gonna hunt for shoes again. Mwahahaahahhahahahaah. On shoes' craze. And I am really interested to talk to Diao. DIAO!! Pergi tengok Ah Lang 此刻 31.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where am I now?
I am at office. Lol.
Working. But too boring.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Exam is finish. Ya. And I regretted. I regretted not to study hard. Lol. So lazy man. Can terus go sleep if I want to and just go exam without touching books. Damn. I really did not study Bio this time. That's why I am dead. But now regret also useless. Already get the 烂 到 够 厉 punya marks. Got tips also cannot do. Haih. Totally hopeless ar. The more exam I take, the more I think I am more talented in art and the more I think I should be in the art field. WTF!! I am not saying that I failed in Science subject or what. Boleh tahan la but it is just that I think I can be even better if I am in Art. Sort of like heavier on the art side. I got no problems on calculations but theory is just sickening. But I don't think I will give up for now. Off course not la. If you know me, you know my EQ level. Lol. Off course. I think I can excel de lo if I can be not lazy. Quite hard i know. But I really look up on Yi Chien. Really. Don't know la. Just that sometimes I also feel what Boon is feeling. I understand. Sometimes we are just out of choices. Soon, Boon is going to America and Cat will be forever bye. But I will force Boon to bring us out. HAHAHHAHAHAHA. The day in this school that days after days gets crazier and crazier will be dull and monotonous. I don't know what had become of my school. I used to love my school. The Gardens, the plants, the scenery. I used to. But now. I don't know how to express my feeling. I don't know what is inside the admin's mind? Destroying the ever beautiful natural view of ours. Teachers getting weirder and weirder. Students getting lazier and lazier. People that annoyed me last time annoyed me even more now. People that I like last time, I become expressionless to them. It is my doom day is coming. Mine. Not the Earth. So sad. Certain people take charge of the things. Things become worse and ugly. But they thought it is still the same, still beautiful. But for me. Everything has changed. Everything changed since Roiga leaves us. The time, the place, the view, the people and me. I think I should hope for something I don't know what to hope for. See. Hopeless. Day after day. I am getting more and more disappointed with my own school and people and myself. What can you do to help me. I know you can't help. It is my own war in my heart. I have to face it alone fight it until I win.
当 初 我 不 回 首 为 什 么 不 回 首 不 是 不 想 回 首 而 是 身 不 由 己
"こんにちは、私は次のZhijiaoに呼び出し、今ファイナルファンタジー15メインキャラクター"ロングZhanの騎士"ありがとうです!" Another short message from my hubby, Jay at Ah Lang's wretch. I can read but I don't know what is the meaning. But it is ok. I will ask Aoi for help. Mwahahahahahahahahaa!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

周 杰 伦 @黄 俊 郎 无 名 小 站

    • Name: 屌人
    • Subject:untitled
    • Time:2009-10-30 00:54:27
    • Message:沒 想到你還每封都回啊 真不簡單 今天又看了你的文章 只能說你音樂又挑對了 哈哈 我在這邊快無聊死了 現在在寫新的劇本 你最好別跟我說你不想演 對了 音樂放多首一點好讓我選擇一下 馬的 剛看到你學弟留言給你提到法商打球 我記得有一次還跟跟紅和你ㄧ塊去 這真的是超久以前的事了 有時候真想回到之前的生活 馬的 要不是要養那麼多人(包括華人版圖) 不然也不用那麼辛苦 你最好也能撐起一片天 這樣大家就可以沒負擔的先放下身邊的工作 好好再去打個球 出個國 幫文山把風拿鐵牌了 哈哈
    • Reply:這... 這不會是華人地區,不,是只要有空氣的地方,就有他的名字、號稱東方流行音樂界第一人的天才吧(僅止於音樂、我再三強調)!他...他竟然來我這邊留言 了,天啊!這是做夢嗎?這..這是真的嗎?是我做了什麼壞事、不、打錯了,是積陰德的事,所以被老天爺處罰嗎?啊,不,是青睞,又打錯了 啊不是叫你不要再養了嗎?讓大家變得肥肥胖胖得然後得到口蹄疫是要幹嘛! 啥咪!新的劇本,拜託,新的demo就算了,新的劇本,不要再這樣了,我片酬真的太高,不想連累你。而且,也到了挑劇本的level了(level,指層次,水準,怕你不熟,先解釋一下,啊!對了,忘了你已經在美國很久了,可能比我厲害了,應該會音標了) 不過,還是不要太累比較好,偶爾休息沈澱一下,一直被拴緊的發條(不是那個王八蛋),會疲乏而斷裂的,為了我的未來著想,我真的希望你過的快樂輕鬆些,沒 有人會希望搖錢樹生病倒下的,大家都嘛希望慢慢的吸血,每天從它身上吸一些吸一些,最好能吸一輩子,話說回來,原來搞半天你是一隻母牛啊! 你demo到底什麼時候好呢?這是我最在乎的事,啊,不是因為在乎你啦,是因為錢比較多,只是這樣而已,希望你別太往自己臉上貼金 呼,話說你又不是女的,我為什麼要回這麼多啊,真是莫名其妙,我知道你在那很無聊,所以我已經空投發條過去了,相信他會讓你每天都睡得充實而色情的 無聊到竟然在美國看我網誌,看來真是無聊到瘋了,不過我回了這麼多,我看我他媽的比你更無聊 晚安,愛你(對不起,開玩笑的,我吐了)
    • Name: 屌人
    • Subject:untitled
    • Time:2009-11-07 10:23:55
    • Message:我 只能說真的太好笑了 選在你的無名留言是因為.....冷門 沒想到還是被報出來 算了 這樣也好 往好的方面想說不定路過的人順便或不小心看到了你的文章 可能會去買你的書吧 因為.....同情你 你的文章就像某些電影 看不懂的永遠最美 就像文山的詞 只要你解釋的出來 那就是藝術 我知道你是藝術家 也知道你剛好也會寫詞 但請以後寫歸寫 歌名留給別人想好嗎 誰聽的懂cindy(很旅行的愛情)這是什麼啦 別人已經有(旅行的意義)了 (馬德里不思議)也ㄧ樣 不思議什麼啦 別因為一個歌名把自己的詞毀了....乖
    • Reply:哈哈哈,我真的不知道你是不是杰倫,因為這裡太多人用這名字了 如果你是,那麼,等你回來你會頭很大,因為一定會上新聞 如果你不是,那麼,新聞記者一定會頭很大,因為又寫錯了報導 如果你是又不是,那麼我會頭很大
    • Name: 屌人
    • Subject:untitled
    • Time:2009-11-01 23:37:34
    • Message:我 說兩年前說過上你無名主要是聽音樂 至少你對於放在你無名裡的背景音樂都有挑過 用來騙騙那些上你無名看文章看不出端倪但心又似有感觸 這種種都是音樂起的作用 很好 你長大了 回我的留言比你網誌的文章成熟許多 不加思索的提筆不須任何點綴完全能了解你非常佩服我這棵植物 也就是你所謂的搖錢樹 基於你這麼相信我的天分能在今年把歌寫完 我就真的給你寫一首主打歌歌詞好了 不過demo在那位覺得自己跟年輕人打成ㄧ片的方先生手中 我想他手中我的歌都丟了吧 只剩下演講稿 希望在他沉迷於演講的這段時間 你能把我demo從他抽屜偷出來 對你來說應該很簡單 因為你常偷我冰箱的東西 除了這點你很高明 另外原因就是 因為他辦公室就在你隔壁........希望你得手之後別辜負我對你的期望 你的期望....其實也還好啦 我不太要求的 你知道的 連牛仔很忙我都敢用了 是吧 對了 最後告訴你 戲你還是得演
    • Reply:我親愛的,你比以前更幽默了也更聰明了,連侮辱人卻不帶髒字、咒罵對方卻像是親吻的高難度技巧...你都會了,那是一種智慧啊 然而你硬要堅持部落格的音樂比我充滿睿智的文字還要好一百倍這一點,我就明白終究,我們是不可能在一起一輩子的,就像水母跟仙人掌永遠無法理解對方的存在 意義與方式一樣,所以我悲傷的明白,我們不可能相愛一輩子,儘管那如此激情而動人、讓人無法自己,但也只能是激情的、平凡而深邃的愛、一輩子的承諾、在我 們之間只是傳說而已 然而我仍是愛你的,你應該明白,看著你展翅高飛、看著你流下辛苦的汗水、看看著你冒著身體的不適繼續前進著,在一旁的我、是充滿愉悅而歡欣的,這一切只因為....大家又有錢拿了 由於你莫名其妙的、不,打錯了、溫柔的造訪,將這優美的伊甸園吹皺了一池春水,帶來了不切實際、不、又打錯了,帶來了履舄交错的人氣與留言,於是,我做了 一個決定,一個為了你的決定,就是把那些留言都刪了。這個決定、你、跟那些為了你而留言的人,我希望都能了解,我這是出於愛、出於無微不至體貼,才出此上 策,因為只有我明白,以你的耐心,以前面那麼多的留言,你、是絕對沒有耐心翻到第三頁以後的,我知道遠方的你是如此急著與我通信、急著想看見我充滿愛的回 應,而你又翻不到第三頁以後,我們就可能因此在茫茫言海裡擦身而過、帶著遺憾、悲傷、與不捨 我怕你難過與失望,於是我舉起了屠刀、將阻擋在我們愛情之間的煩瑣徹底消滅,只為了你,只為了看見你 然而,在乎他們的你,我知道你是想知道留言的,因為你在乎他們,於是,我也決定把那些所有的內容,都打出來給你知道 他們的留言、很多也很複雜、甚至龐大,但我仍不辭辛勞通通原封不動打了出來,內容如下: 倫,我愛你 是的,這就是全部,我打得好累 然後,你不會以為我真的可以去偷文山的東西吧!偷你冰箱的東西頂多是拉肚子,偷他的demo可是會丟飯碗的大事,請你不要那麼單純好嗎?我真的很想罵髒 話,如果你愛我,就請真心的對我,真心的將適合我的禮物、用你厚實的雙手交給我,因為,我會為此開心好幾個晚上、像個初戀的小男孩似的(對不起,我不爭氣 的、又吐了,真是沒用) 最後,我領悟了一個偉大的真相,就是,原來我們之所以如此深愛著對方、不能沒有對方,都是因為.....我們真的太無聊了 早安,吾愛
我 爱 周 杰 伦!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ah Long and Prostitude

See. I seldom read my mail unless the title caught my attention. One mail caught my attention today. The title reads:" LIM LIANG SIANG is waiting for you." A bit shock. Lol. How come lim liang siang is waiting for me? Why must he wait for me? Then I see who is the sender. It is Flixter. So it is just fine for him to wait for me. Why this kind of stupid things like to attract user's attention by putting some extravagant sentence? I also don't know. My this Flixter is not "copyright" 1. I did not create it. Someone did. Someone I don't know who. I remember last time someone told me something extravagant too.
He said: "Do you ever think Ah Long is very bad? Actually they are quite cham too. Because people borrow their money and don't pay them back. How about prostitude? Actually they are happy to be one. I asked them before. They like their job!"
I believe him last time. But now when I think about it. I think it is totally nonsense. If Ah Long so cham. Don't be la. Then you won't need to borrow people money and nobody would not pay you back money. And where got women like to become prostitude 1. If they really like. Then sorry la. Everytime I look at them will be a kind of disgusted, annoyed and lowly look. You like ar. By the time a really elegant woman look at them I think they would cry man. Serious. They like their job like how? Like the money or the sex? Stupid betul. If need money, you cannot judge like they like money then they like their job. Not related. A bank manager can earn alot of money. But nobody can make sure that they really like their job. If they like sex. Then correct la. Half correct. They like their job. But not as prostitude only can have sex 1 right. Many other ways 1 le. Ask Cat to tell you. Or maybe killing 2 birds with a stone. Want both money and sex. Then lagi not the right way la. You know why. Because they can't be just focus on quantity and not quality. If you are a charming enough woman then I think you can get quality. Charming as in elegant, high class, good job, arrogant, branded. Then you can enjoy both money and sex with quality and quantity.
See, I can prove you that my saying is right!1 If I see him now and he is asking me the same question, I will tell him that he is LOST!!!! Or maybe he is 1 Ah Long and he feels cham. Who knows? Lol.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Prefects-Librarians Hi-tea just ended. I think it is the worst year. Thank you very much which I am 1 of the organisers. I don't think it is my fault anyway. I am just in-charge of the programme following teachers' and Head Girl's instructions. I did my part.
I think the food is sucks or maybe I am too choosy. I think the MS Garden management not very good too. You know what they did. They change our menu without informing us. Thanks very much. And only put 8 chairs for a table that is suppose to be 10. But the point is our Head Girl has paid the deposit and all the money. She complained but I don't think we can get any compensation. Let me ask you. Will you return me money if I already give you the right amount which is suppose to be right?
I have been to Prefects Function for 3 years and this is the 4th. I have never seen people cramping up the hall lining up to register. This is the 1st year lo. Like traffic jam and teachers are shouting at teachers so that they can go in the ballroom together. Too funny to be funny. And we have 1 computer-programmed emcee. She talks like a programmed robot. It is just that her limbs still move naturally.
Gift-exchange is a custom for Prefects. I got a small tiny adorable phone accessories. Although it is not expensive and not too pretty I like it. I like it because I think this person is sincere enough. I like the hand-made little box with the nice wrapper and a purple ribbon. It is really small but I like it. I usually recycle all those gifts for the coming year but i don't think I am gonna recycle this. Actually I don't like something expensive given unsincerely. I like something that is given out of sincere cheap or expensive. And now I got 1. I have nothing to ask for, for my birthday because normally when I see something I like esp shoes, I will buy them. I just hope gifts from anybody is a sincere wish to this special girl.
Anyway, my Head-Girl complained that the PA man bias. Don't like her, like me. I think it is not bad a news. But I didn't realise lo. Because I was not talking to him at all. I am just standing among the 4. Lol. Anyway, I am quite pleased.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

JUN!!!! Jay Chou play CELLO!!! Super NICCCCEEEEE le....