Friday, October 30, 2009

期 待 已 久- 周 杰 伦

周 杰 伦+ 袁 咏 琳 画 沙
I like Cindy's voice though.

沒 有 杰 倫 的 冬 天

我 老 公 做 善 事 不 必 街 知 巷 闻! 杰 伦 sponsor 三 个 残 疾 人 士 到 海 外 参 加 比 赛 不 忍 他 人 音 乐 才 华 永 远 没 有 天 日 自 掏 腰 包 伸 出 援 手 不 计 较 名 利 不 管 媒 体 懂 不 懂 最 好 他 们 不 懂 又 再 助 养 300 名 学 童 助 养 每 名 一 个 月 600 元 为 期 五 年 人 做 天 王 他 做 天 王 果 然 比 别 人 吊 比 别 人 更 帅 比 别 人 可 爱 比 别 人 善 良 这 让 我 超 感 动 超 想 念 他 不 知 还 要 等 多 久 但 是, 苏 乞 儿 即 将 上 映 唯 有 借 此 望 梅 止 渴 虽 然 还 很 渴 公 众 人 士 做 到 好 似 杰 伦 果 然 没 话 说! He is worthy for my love and admiration!! Ah Diao Ah Ni 支 持 杰 伦 不 遗 余 力

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Our own forensic ex-pet,

said she only follow instructions from MACC and PDRM

when doing her investigations,

took samples only from spots given by MACC/PDRM,

and she was told not to investigate based on the ground of suicide and not on homicide…

Malaysai Boleh….!!!"

Adapted from a comment in Susan Loone's blog

Feel very ironic about Teoh Beng Hock's death after all.

Do not know what had happened and do not want to know

although I am interested and curious about it.

However, every time I am reminded about him

I feel a twitch in my stomach.

The unspoken feeling of a mixture of empathy and disgust.

What's more I saw his picture at the "suicide" spot

that his limbs and body are distorted and

his clothes are torn with numbering

on several parts of the spot.

I don't want to look at it but I was attracted.

It crossed over my mind that he was picked up

and thrown down when he was still alive

but unconscious

because the one who bitten him unconscious

thought that he had died.

Anyway, I do not like to further comment on this case.

I hope the next time I am attracted to the prime news

is a piece of news that has a jolt in my heart.

I hope that everything will go just very fine.

Good luck everybody.

Think before you act!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Allergy+ing. Very kesian. I read Sin Chew zodiac prediction everyday. See what I got today. "该 好 好 收 拾 一 下 心 情 做 正 经 事, 不 要 再 玩 了。" It said I better get ready to do more right things instead of continue playing. Too true. I was playing all the while and not concentrating in studies. What's more final exam is around the corner. I am going to put my foot forward. I hate to not get things I want!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I had an unlucky day. Firstly, Dutch Lady milk at ECM finished already. Secondly, CK broke my brother's Hoya REMARK 1.6 B lens into half. Thirdly, I went into Nose and saw a person that i don't want to meet at all. He was following me all the way. So I ran into Ah Man's shop to hide. Luckily, I didn't grab any shoes to try, or I will found out tomorrow that a pair of shoes and ice-cream cake are delivered to me. Fourthly, when I was hiding at Ah Man's optical shop, I found out that he not that man anymore!! Fifthly, I went to have McD at Mega and ate McDeluxe until I feel like vomiting. I peel off the skin of Deluxe chicken. Not because I am scared of getting fat but I really feel disgusting eating it. And until I got home, I still have that chicken smell on my body and fingers although I wash them. I said I am not going to try them anymore. Sixthly, because of outing, I did not study for my End-year. I am dead! :( However, I also had some good news. Firstly, I found out that CK is getting cuter and cuter. He is really cute especially when he smiles. The way he talks actually convince me very very much. Although most of the time, I don't talk to him, I only smile to him. -- He already have girlfriend la.--I think that girl must be very lucky. CK is the most meticulous guy I have ever met. It is hard not to be attracted. He has a very good taste. Very good at choosing frames and his Bonia leather shoes. Beautiful! He is very selfless and caring. So sincere in every action. He don't sell spectacles to you because he merely wants your money. He also hopes he can help you as well as his business. He runs a consultant strategy. I am very confident in him. I have no worries letting him to manage my spectacle and choose my lens. Anyway, Mango asked me to take Carl Zeiss which is quite expensive. RM 400 minimum but luckily I have low power. Secondly, I spotted a Levi's lens RM 398 which is so pretty, my dear! My mum said so too. But the frame I wearing now is only 8 months. And their Marc Jacobs is extremely BEAUTIFUL!!! Only RM540. Super dai la. Maybe I will think about it. Hahahahahhahahah. I went to Toyota showroom and check out RUSH. My mum planned to say goodbye to my ATOS and welcome RUSH. Very adorable eight-seated MPV that cost RM85,000-RM95,000++. My brother said take the RM95,000 one la. A little bit difference only what. I was like you so rich ar? My mum was like I don't want to buy already. Sad :(. Hope she reconsider. Anyway, if you are also a specky, I encouraged you to go PROEYES STUDIO or A LOOK at ECM and Megamall. They sell you their knowledge and information you need to know. Spectacles that suit you is the bonus they give you. Contact CK TAN even at 12am. He said he is on call 24/7 especially girls are very welcome. I will tell his gf. Mwahahahahahahahhahahahah.
BLAH!!!!!! =.=" A MOODLESS DAY!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I just ate 6 prawns and i am waiting for the akibat. Maybe will only get at night. Will get ready my hydrocortisone. Now already start a bit. After being a multi-tasker so long I finally can rest now. I feel super tired every day and sleep at 10pm. How nice.
Last time I want to sleep but can't. Need to finish alot of extra work which I am not suppose to do but i do out of kindness. Including programmes proposal, designs for friends, clubs, organisations and school, designed a birthday sign board for Yi Xian but she forgot to brought it, i thought it was super nice but did not take a photo, training people not of my account, conducting programmes out of my area of responsibilities, being pulled by teachers to join their skuads or societies and promising me President position and telling me how can I outshine in their society and how they need my help. I pity for all but I have only 1 body. They say I can be in as much societies as I want. As long as I only hold 1 positions. Well, it is not so fair for me I say. They just want me to help them. That's all. They need not to promise me anything. What's more the President position. They need not to tell me how I will outshine. But I will outshine by my very own personality. Not by attention from all. I was the representative for Pahang Pelajar Terbaik Koko 2008 but i cannot promise you my always victory. I've already chosen my way and I know what's best for me. I do the best for myself. Always.
Now that my eyes are having a little bit problem and I need to go for a check-up next Saturday, nose having problem all the time, skin comes together with nose and migrain from eyes, I can't take on so many 'jobs' anymore.
For the coming days I will walk my steps courteously for I can't see the long misty road in front. Listening to Yiruma singing and piano. Super nice.
Hope you will like it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Now that Dr. Hew's daughter is married, i wonder when it is Erwin's turn. Lol. He quite old already le.

Just finished LDP with Lab Attendants and Hari Koko. Got Lencana penuh this year. Ok liao la i think. But my koko teacher and bc teacher nagged me for this. They are making sure that i will go into national level next year and give me lencana biru. It is not my fault actually this year. It is the goverment's fault. They didn't send me letter. Or i will be in Port Dickson enjoying FOC la. SABS also didn't get the letter. Sad case. Last year was at Kuantan, that's why i don't get to jalan-jalan FOC last year. Lol.

However, i plan not to join anything next year. Anything at all. I very scared liao. I super busy and stress and find the wrong place and moment to release stress not long ago. It is not that i want to be involved in anyhing. It is the function involve me always. So not fair. Why me?

Every time having small small function, i have to multi task, having alot things to do at once. What they think i am?

I am just an ordinary good student who want to finish her secondary life happily. See what i have become. A robot. Totally. Too many responsibilities. Too many sleepless nights. Too many thoughts. Too many dilemma. Too much patience. Too much stress. Too little time. Too little rest. Too little smile. Too little joy. Too little MYSELF!

I hope they can just let me go and let me live my life happily and freely.

Actually i don't have much tuition. Just 4. Saturday Sunday and Wednesday totally free. No house chores to do. Indeed i don't do. But too many brain-cracking activities that break me down.


Don't come to my aid. I just need a little bit of time. Stress give me STRENGTH to carry on.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sameah Again

Sameah     : Ok. Minggu depan hantar nota Bab 10.

Kanchana : Cikgu, nota satu bab saya hilang.

Sameah     : Hilang, hilanglah. Nak buat macam mana kan.

Kanchana : Boleh fotostat ke?

Sameah     : Tak boleh!!

Kanchana : Habis tu nak buat macam mana?

Sameah     : Ok. Kelas!! Benda hilang nak buat macam mana?

All             : Salin....

Sameah      : Eh. Bukan!!! Report la polis!!!!!

=.=" speechless....!?!!

Sameah      : Fotostat.... (sambil lewa de say)

Kanchana  : Ambil dari kawan la kan?

Sameah      : Eh. Bukan!! 

...waiting for answer...

Sameah      : Mestilah jumpa dengan polis. Benda yang hilang tu ada pada polis kan?

*$#@*&!* wtf !!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


We were filling up the blah 001 card that day.
We have to fill in a part to determine your field of minat A or B.
I forgot to feel in so our beloved Sameah ask me to fill in.

This is our conversation:

" ini kena isi."

"ok, cikgu, no prob. makan kacang ar."

"cepat, isi saja."

"tahu. saya isi semua A saja ma. senang betul."

" Semua A? Perasan!! Pergi, pergi!"

" nah, cikgu. Siap. Saya boleh isi tahun depan punya juga. Nak?"

" Eh. Tak payah. Tahun depan baru cakap la!!"


Penny and i went lepak at the staffroom to skip English. Lol.
We were crapping with Sik Z.G until Sameah came in.

Sa:" Eh. kenapa tempat saya macam ini?" 
Ni:" Oh. Chelsea, Shammie, kristyl dan feli ambil kad koko.
 Sa:" nasib baik weini cakap. nanti hilang cikgu bagi 0 markah ."
(heard that 4 fellows?)

Then Mala ordered me go take things for her. =.=" thank you very much tan pen nee. mala thought i very free lepak in staffroom but actually surya tarik me in 1.

When i came back, Penny holding a dicitonary.
Rupa-rupanya Sameah want to write her Chinese name. Lol.

Then we were running through the words.

Ni:"  放 莎 美 雅 la.
Pen:"  莎  蜜 阿 la.
 Ni:"  要 么?
Pen:" Cikgu kamu nak  莎 美 雅 atau  莎  蜜 阿?"
 Sameah:" Yang pertama.

Ni and Pen:" ok ok.

Pen:" walau.  放 密 糖 的 蜜. 
Ni:"  跟 他 讲la

Pen:" cikgu cikgu  蜜 means sweet ar
Sameah :" Sweet? oooo. Bagus Bagus. (hand on the cheeks)- Blek!!!

Ni:"  跟 他 讲 美 是 cantik.  他 开 心 死ar.
Pen:" cikgu cikgu.  美 ialah cantik o. Nak mana satu?
Sameah:" Cantik!!!! nak cantik nak cantik!!!
Ni and Pen:" OKOK!!! Lol.

Penny wrote the  莎 美 雅 then i rewrite because Penny writing is.......xD.

Ni and Pen:" cikgu  雅 ialah elegant ar!!!!
Sameah :" BEtulkah?? Bagus !! BAGUS!!! Cikgu nak tiru dan tulis besar-besar!!!
Pen:" cikgu kamu panggil sik zg panggil kamu  莎 美 雅 la.
Sameah:" (laugh vy hiao-ly) tak nak. nanti dia ketawakan cikgu.

WTF la. My teacher. But she vy nice la . lol
I think Yong nowadays also going crazier and crazier in our class dy lo.

Anyway To 4A Chinese next week Pn yong tak ada tuition krn dia ada PPSMI meeting