Friday, April 30, 2010

此刻 70 (继续盗用)

Life has been miserable without Jay Chou. And now Jay Chou is back. His voice is with us all now!! Most precious and exclusive. Which will accompany me through this miserable month of May. And the rest of my life. Just realised that he actually becomes older these days. He has small chinese eyes. He used to like wearing a cap making his eyes looked even smaller. He used to sing dad-abuse-son songs and war songs. He always looked depressed but surprisingly, loves his mum and grandma. He does whatever he thinks is cool and people regard him as 屌. He does not really care about the aftermath of his actions. But he cares how people regard him. He counter-attacks whoever attack him in his very own way. He is always in his own world, doing things his own style. And most importantly, he composes really nice songs. Supporting his songs means that you appreciate true art pieces. Admiring his work means that you respect music, respect genuine art, respect the norm of life, respect the sound of nature, the sound of JAY CHOU!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

此刻 69 (继续盗用)

My Dear Diao: I just found out that Honda Accord Crosstour that we were talking about is a 4WD. Haha. you won. You know how I find out. I saw it on the website and that day I saw a brand new BMW Active Hybrid X6 4WD. Damn cool. Just like our Honda. From sideway, it looks a Sedan. From the front, it looks like 4WD. From the back, it looks like sedan+4WD. BRILLIANT!! Seriously, I hope Jay will buy 1. So that he will not waste his money to buy something that cannot move anymore. Like what his mum said, a piece of useless metal!! Ha! Just listen to 周杰伦的超人不会飞, 蛮 cute 一下 lo. The lyric damn diao!
周杰倫-超人不會飛 作曲:周杰倫 填詞:周杰倫 妈妈说 很多事别太计较 只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着 如果说 骂人要有点技巧 我会加点旋律 你会觉得 超屌 我的枪 不会装弹药 所以放心 不会有人倒 我拍青锋侠,不需要替身,因为自信是我绘画的颜料 我做很多事背后的意义并非你们想象 拍个电视纯为了友情与兄弟间的梦想 收视率在考验来看看我的伟大理想 因为我的人生我需再多一倍的假象 我不知道何时变成了所谓的那榜样 被狗仔拍的那边装着要道歉的模样 怎样 我唱的歌词要有点文化 因为随时会被当教材 CNN能不能等英文好一点再访 时代杂志封面能不能重拍 随时随地注意形象 要控制饮食不然就跟杜莎夫人蜡像的我不像 好莱钨的中国戏院地上有很多手印脚印 何时才能看见我的脚..oh~ 如果超人会飞.那就让我在空中停一停歇 再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些 拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会 不要问我哭过了没 因为超人不能流眼泪 唱歌要拿最佳男歌手 拍电影也不能只拿个最佳新人 你不参加颁奖典礼就是没礼貌 你去参加就是代表你很在乎 得奖时你感动落泪 人家就会觉得你夸张做作 你没表情别人就会说太嚣张 如果你天生这表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈 结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑 开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高 我到底是一个创作歌手还是好人好事代表 专辑一出就必须是冠军 拍了电影就必须要大卖 只能说当超人真的好难 如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇 再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些 oh 拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会 不要问我哭过了没 因为超人不能流眼泪
哦, 吾爱!!!
Love, Your mistress.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

此刻 68 (继续盗用)

回忆曾经让我们的生命如此绚丽、美好,也曾经让人痛不欲生。如果说没有回忆的人生,就像一个失忆的患者,任心灵到处流浪,找不到回家的路;而充满回忆的人生,就像在满思念的一艘船,漂泊在汪洋的大海中,任风把它吹到你心里的那个家,那我认为你我都已经选择了后者。打从上了漂泊的船,你我已决定或在回忆里头。将来,若那艘思念之船在汪洋大海中迷失了方向,我们也将一起在大海中流浪,皆因,人从未放下自己在人生沿途不经意提起的忧伤。我们就任由自己一次又一次地踏入回忆的陷阱,一次又一次地受伤,一次又一次的奢望时间能重来。 人类并不愚蠢,我们知道时间总爱把事物无声无息地带走,也知道任由我们如何求情,时间从来不对我们善良,从不为谁而来,也不为谁而驻足。但是,人类总是如此地天真,盼望着奇迹的到来,最后却是一场空。心不知碎成几块,还对仅存的回忆执著。

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

此刻 67 (继续盗用)

I am back finally!! Now, I think I have alot of electrical appliances. I have 2 house phones, 2 modems, 2 laptops, 1 netbook and dekstop offcourse. And the thing is I actually do not like electrical appliances with small screens. That's why I actually do not like laptops and netbooks but I cannot deny that they are rather convenient.
I realised that I have some emotional problems lately. I do not like to sit near our dear Mandy frankly speaking. She always makes me frust. And the fact is she knows it but she is not changing anything just for me. How great would that be! Therefore the only solution is that I move to some other more peaceful places. I can have my own peaceful time away from her. I actually manage to control my feeling when she is not so near me. When she is around, I just feeling like scolding the whole wide world. I can't stand a bunch of people talking non-stop beside me when I want to concentrate. That's why I said noise contribute to stress problem. Anyway, since I am always good to everyone, I forgive her.
Wow, my wi-fi aerial signal strength very strong. Good!!! Download damn fast!! But like that die la. Everyday download saja my work. Nothing else!
I realised that I actually will like a person just because of what they write. Like Dr. George Lee. I super like him la. I always follow his column. Very NICE!!! Anyway, Reader Digest April issues are nice too.
你是我的OK绷!!! 杰伦好棒!!!! Be diao. Be cool.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

此刻 66 ( 继续盗用 )

I am not getting 4mbps wi-fi. Sad. Lim Jia Wen, Kristyl and weini area cannot support more than 1mbps. DAMN. Let's pindah rumah. =.=" Still have a long period cannot online at home. WTH. Not able to be diao with Diao. haha. Fei daoo. Be cool Be diao Diao and weini's latest slogan.

Friday, April 2, 2010

此刻 65 (继续盗用)

Uncle Steven is so COOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL!! He has a Blackberry, an Apple i phone and an Apple notebook. He is a TECHLOVER. Obviously. Duh. His Apple notebook is so damn slim, smooth and looks so futuristic. Oh, he makes me to want an Apple notebook too. And he has a white Peugeot 308 VTi. I feel like asking Uncle Steven if he can give me a ride!!!
Talking about car. Honda Accord Crosstour is AWESOME!!!! Since when weini so top gear? No idea.
Be COOL, weini Be DIAO, weini